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"Teams don't do that in the Minors!!!"

Posted by Greg James at May 13, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Well we do. I am talking about the plays we are pulling off. Perfectly executed pick off of third by Josh. The first and third "rotation" play to get the runner at third. "Snap" throws to first and two and three back ups on throws had the Reds coaches making such comments. They were also talking of our "solid" infield. The A's should be proud. Unfortunately, our bats went silent in the first 3 innings as we stranded 8 runners including bases loaded twice, once with no outs. The A's continue their trend of one run ballgames on the losing end 7-6, but continue to impress those we play. Keep up the hard work and effort because when it all comes together in the same game, our opponent may get torched by THE BLAZING A's.........
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"You guys are a scary team"

Posted by Greg James at May 13, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
That was the quote from one of the Giants coaches after the game. A back and forth game that would be decided with the final at bat. Yes the Giants did win but the Blazing A's proved we are a scary team to play in almost handing the Giants their second loss of the season. Pick off plays, double steals, and heads up baseball sends a message to all, that the A's can play with the best of them. Coach Greg and Coach Mac were pleased with the effort, hustle and heart shown by all the A's. Collin gets the game ball for great attitude as he has worked himself into a "starter".
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DBacks get the hits.

Posted by Greg James at May 13, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The second half starts out rough as we came out flat against the DiamondBacks. Fielding mistakes and a good day hitting for the Diamondbacks out us in a hole we could not climb out of. The A's never gave gave up and battled back but could not catch up in the end. Game ball to Zach for continued improvement and hustle
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A's finish first half strong!!

Posted by Greg James at Apr 26, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The A's concluded the first half by beating the Rockies by a score of 6-4. Under 98 degree temps the A's were truely Blazing. The pitching rotation stayed strong as Travis, Josh, and Braxton each pitched 2 innings and never tired. They combined for a 2 hitter and had the help of some outstanding defense. At the plate Braxton hit his third homer in three games and smart, agressive baserunning put up 6 runs. The game ball went to Trevor. He made another circus catch in left, his second in two games, to stop the threat in the 4th with 2 out and runners at 2nd and 3rd. He is emerging as the leader of the "BallHawks"!! The A's will look to keep their winning ways in the second half and try to avenge some earlier losses! Keep it up A's, You guys Rock!!!
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Travis mows down the Dodgers!!!

Posted by Greg James at Apr 24, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Travis took to the mound for the first time this season and lit it up for the Blazing A's. He pitched a complete game, struck out 9 batters, walked two, and gave up only 4 runs. He stayed in command of his pitches and relied on his defense to make the outs behind him. Aaron gunned down a runner from center and Jared and Josh gobbled up everything hit to the left side of the infield. Travis used his famous "Srewgie" pitch to perfection and had the Dodgers off balance all night. At the plate the A's banged out 11 runs on 10 hits including Braxton's first home run of the season. Final score 11-4, Blazing A's. Travis got the Game ball for pitching and a 2 for 2 performance at the plate. Great game A's.........