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Posted by Poway American Little League on Apr 30 2020 at 07:11PM PDT in Spring 2020

Hello PALL Families,

As some of you may have heard, Little League made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 World Series and all regional tournaments. While this is very sad news for the players hoping to make it to Williamsport, PA this has not closed the door on our Poway American Spring 2020 season. This piece is taken directly from the Little League website, dated today, April 30th:

As certain states and municipalities begin their phased approaches to reopening, it is highly encouraged that each league and district adheres to the guidelines set forth by their respective state and local government and health officials in terms of public gatherings, organized youth sports, and sporting events when determining when it is safe to return to Little League activities after May 11. Leagues should contact their state and local health authority and other municipalities for guidance prior to resuming any Little League activities.

+What does this mean for PALL?

Our president, Eddie Atchley, is in regular with the PUSD administration. As I am sure you have seen, there is a step by step approach on how our communities will be able re-enter social settings. Little League is leaving season decisions to the individual districts and they will be considered in accordance with state and local governments. Right now we are working with PUSD since we will need permission from them to move forward, if and only if, it is safe for our players, coaches, volunteers and fans.

We will provide updates in a timely fashion as they become available. We are so appreciate of your support as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters, We miss all of your smiling faces and look forward to getting back on the field. We hope you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and are able to remain positive with all that is going on.


Poway American Little League


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