News and Announcements

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No practice tomorrow night!

Posted by Jason Carlson at May 10, 2009 12:13PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Ladies -

There will NOT be practice tomorrow night. It is Lexi’s birthday, and I will receive "Bad Dad of the Year Award" if I host a practice and not attend our family’s party. Sorry, girls. Another note, it is also Katie Lederman’s birthday tomorrow!

Lastly, please get on your mobile phones and contact everyone on the team that you can, to make certain they know there isn’t practice (this includes Alex Thorson, since she still isn’t on the TeamPages system.)

Caroline – please make certain the MSA knows that we are rescheduling tomorrow’s game, so there won’t be any refs showing up for no game. Thanks. The date we want to reschedule on is Wednesday, June 3rd.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the soccer moms!

Coach Carlson

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Photos and forms!

Posted by Jason Carlson at May 3, 2009 8:10PM PDT ( 1 Comment )


I need photos of all your pretty faces for your player passes. Bring them to practice this week!

Secondly, I need to make sure everyone has handed in their Code of Conduct and Medical Release forms to me. If you haven’t, do this ASAP. The forms can be found on the MSA website –

Thirdly, I need feedback on the game schedule. I need to know if we have to ask any opposing teams for reschedules due to conflicts. Please let me know which games you cannot attend. I have a request for a reschedule of our first game from the coach of St. Croix. They are asking if we can play on May 13th or May 20th instead. Let me know if either of these nights work. We need to secure the field.

Finally, I need people to pass this email onto Alex Thorson and Nicki Kroschel. I do not have their emails, but will ask for them tomorrow night.

Coach Carlson

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Practice is cancelled!

Posted by Jason Carlson at Apr 29, 2009 9:31AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Ladies and Parents! We will NOT have practice tonight since I am stuck in Des Moines, IA today! I apologize. I will see you all tomorrow night! Get ready to run. We have only 4 more practices to get in shape for our first game. Please pass the info around.

You will all receive a schedule tomorrow night, too!

Coach Carlson

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Today's Practice!

Posted by Jason Carlson at Apr 27, 2009 12:55PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Sorry for the tardy announcement, girls and parents. I will not be able to run today’s practice. Hopefully, I will be able to attend my son’s Fine Arts Banquet tonight, but illness is trying hard to stop me (no, it is not a psychosomatic response to the swine flu stories!). Nevertheless, Pam Ledermann has been kind enough to make certain you ladies work hard scrimmaging tonight.

Yes, I said you are going to scrimmage with each other the WHOLE practice! Enjoy your respite from my drilling! Make sure you do your usual warm ups in the beginning, until Pam arrives (toe taps, inside-outside/outside-inside and passing). I will see you all on Wednesday!


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Tournament Decisions and more!

Posted by Jason Carlson at Apr 22, 2009 9:28AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to let everyone know that the first few practices have been INTERESTING (but fun)! I encourage you to get outside now that it is warm and get some more touches on the ball!

So far, I have gotten answers back regarding the tournaments that have been fairly consistent – "the USA Cup, and the closer the better!" We have enough money to pay for the tournament registration fees, but NOT the individual player fees for the USA Cup. Hence, I have one more follow up question: Is everyone still interested in playing the USA Cup if it is going to cost you $100 more? That is the player fee. That is the player fee, but remember, this includes all sorts of activities and equipment (like a soccer bag) and a chance to play against and interact with girls (and boys) from around the world! It is truly a unique soccer experience.

The other tourney I would sign us up for would be the NESA tourney in Maplewood. Nice and close.

Also – you will receive tentative schedules at tomorrow’s practice!

Coach Carlson
