News and Announcements

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U11 and U12 All-Star Selections

Posted by Peter Moore at Jun 7, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
U12 U11
D. Brunelle B. Barrett
C. Gannon P. Donovan
R. Glendye M. Gagne
M. Gray B. Gerossie
M. Killoran G. Levasseur
K. Manning M. McNulla
S. McGlaughlin P. Musco
Z. Moore C. Neily
S. Munnelly C. Peguri
C. Quigley T. Roche
C. St. Clair D. Simoneau
J. Wirbal G. St. Onge


Congratulations to those that made the team. Good luck in your tournaments.

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Posted by Alan Hood at May 15, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Saturday, May 22 will be the Litchfield Baseball Association Picture Day.

The schedule for teams is below, and at the LBA Calendar. Pictures will be taken at the GMS field. Please show up 15 minutes before your teams allotted time on the schedule.

Players should be dressed in full uniform for their individual and team pictures. Coaches will have picture forms to hand out to their teams this week. Do not worry if your coach does not get you a form this week, their will be extra forms at the table the day of the pictures.

If it rains, pictures will be taken at the Litchfield Middle School gym and you will receive an email the night before.

Thank You
Litchfield Baseball Association


Time Team Team Team
7:30 Dodgers (Major) Cardinals (Major) A's (Tball)
7:50 Mariners (Tball) Dodgers (Minor) Mariners (Minor)
8:10 Diamondbacks (Tball) White Sox (Tball) White Sox (Minor)
8:30 Diamondbacks (Minor) A's (Major) White Sox (Major)
8:50 Diamondbacks (Major) White Sox (Rookie) A's (Rookie)
9:10 Dodgers (Tball) Cardinals (Tball) Cardinals (Rookie)
9:30 Diamondbacks (Rookie) Dodgers (Rookie) Mariners (Rookie)
9:50 A's (Minor) Cardinals (Minor)
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Posted by Alan Hood at Apr 13, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Time has come to let the games begin! Unfortunately, this means that late registrations will no longer be accepted once the first game of each division has played (see deadline dates below). These dates have also been added to the LBA Calendar.

Last Day for Submitting a Late Registration

Division Last Day
Majors Monday, April 12
Minors Monday, May 3
Rookies Wednesday, April 14
T-Ball Thursday. April 15

LBA thanks all parents for registering their player for the 2010 Spring Session.

Al Hood
LBA Player Agent/Online Coordinator
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Posted by Alan Hood at Apr 13, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Game schedules have been posted for all LBA Spring Session Divisions. The game schedules are accurate as of April 15, 2010. LBA Managers, Coaches, and Division Coordinators will do their best to keep game schedule information up-to-date; however, PLEASE CHECK WITH TEAM MANAGERS AND COACHES FOR LATEST DATES AND TIMES OF EACH GAME. Below is an explanation for the methods to view game schedules.

LBA League Welcome Page
Upcoming games schedule during the next week are displayed at the bottom of the league welcome page. The welcome page is the first page displayed when visiting the LBA League website (see link above).

LBA League Calendar
The League Calendar displays a monthly view of all LBA league events, including games. Calendar events can be filtered to display just games of a specific division (see bottom of calendar).

Team Sites
Team sites contain game information specific to that team. Links to specific team sites are found on the LBA League Welcome page or the LBA Team page. When visiting a team site, team specific game schedule information can be found at the following places


Team Welcome
Each team welcome page contains an Event section that displays team games that will occur during the next week. The table below links to each team welcome page.

T-Ball A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Rookies A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Minors A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Majors A's -- Cardinals -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
BR Prep Indians
BR 14-15 Cubs

Team Calendar
Each team calendar displays a monthly view of team games. The table below links to each team calendar.

T-Ball A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Rookies A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Minors A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Majors A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- White Sox
BR Prep Indians
BR 14-15 Cubs

Team Schedules
Each team has a schedule page that displays team games. Please note that the next 5 games are displayed by default, but can be changed to display more games. The table below links to each team schedule page.

T-Ball A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Rookies A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Minors A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- Mariners -- White Sox
Majors A's -- Cardinals -- Diamondbacks -- Dodgers -- White Sox
BR Prep Indians
BR 14-15 Cubs

Al Hood
LBA Player Agent/Online Coordinator


The Litchfield Baseball Association will be holding the annual Field Day on Saturday April 10th from 8 AM – Noon. This is a very important event that allows us to get the fields in proper condition for the season. I need everyone’s cooperation to make this a success.

If the weather cooperates, I need additional volunteers to paint the sheds at both Corning and Jeff Lane. Please wear appropriate clothes for painting if you are interested in this task. All tools and materials for painting will be supplied.

Please bring your own tools such as rakes, wheel barrows, branch cutters, weed whackers, flat and spade shovels, edging tools, bow saws for branches, etc.

If your child is in T-Ball, please meet at the Jeff Lane Fields.

If your child is in Rookie or Minors, please meet at the Corning Fields.

If your child is in Majors, please meet at the GMS Field.

This is a mandatory event for parents that waived the $30 fee and elected to assist with field preparation, but everyone’s assistance would be greatly appreciated. Even if you can only show up for 1 hour, you will be making a difference for the kids that play ball at these fields.

There will not be a rain date, so please dress appropriately.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Thank you!

Russ Pelham
LBA Fields & facilities Coordinator