

Join / Renew USA Wrestling

Posted by David Gerdner on May 23 2011 at 05:00PM PDT

To join "USA Wrestling" use the following link:

USA Wrestling

Creating a new membership 

Some have found the web-site a little confusing, so here are some tips:

  • On the first page, look for the verbiage:

Click here to create an account if you don't already have one.

  • This will take you to a window where you fill-out all of your basic information.  This part of the registration process is fairly straight forward.
  • After  you've entered the basic information, you will be taken to a new window that can be a little confusing.  What you want to do here is "Add an Athlete".  Look for that section, and click on the wrestler's name (which should be displayed directly underneat the "Add Athlete" header.
  • At this point you review the information you've already entered, then "Continue" to a section where you must identify a club with which you want to be affiliated.  You can choose any wrestling organization you wish.  If you don't belong to a club, the best choice is "Florian Techniques" -- which is the official name of Olympic Wrestling Club.
  • To select the club, you must press the "GET" button; which will take you to a search window.  Enter "Florian" for club name, and "NJ" for state, then press the "Search" button.  You should then see "Florian Technique Wrestling Club" as a choice, which you can select in order to continue.
  • After that, the registration process is fairly straightforward.

Good luck!



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