

Little League Volunteers Needed!

Posted by Dennis Kane on Nov 19 2003 at 04:00PM PST
Dear Little League Parent, MBLL needs volunteers to help with our fundraising efforts, scoreboard projects and snack stand health compliance this season. Please consider volunteering to help with one of these projects. We can really use it! Please also pass this message along to other Little League parents so we can get the word out to as many parents as possible. Here is what is needed (in addition to the other needs listed in our registration packet): 1. We need one or more volunteers to be our snack stand Health Compliance Officer(s). This is an important job. In order to keep our snack stands open, we need someone to take a class (a few hours one day), become certified, and be responsible for making sure we comply with the Health Code. In addition to the class, these volunteers will have to inspect the snack stands once a week or so during the season, and certify that we are in compliance. If there are compliance issues during the season we will have people available to do what is necessary to become compliant. In other words, this volunteer does not have to do the work to fix the problem, just supervise health compliance. We hope to get two or three people to take the class and share this duty. Please consider it. 2. We are embarking on a campaign to raise more money from corporations and local businesses this season. We have a Fund Raiser Chairperson, but she needs help in approaching businesses and seeking their assistance. I am hoping that many of you will volunteer to contact just three or four businesses and follow up with them to try to raise funds for our kids. Please let me know if you can give just a few hours of your time between now and the end of the year to help make this project a success. 3. We are also setting up a scoreboard committee to get new scoreboards where needed, fix the existing scoreboards and use them this season at all games in which we keep score. The kids will really appreciate this effort. If you would like to see the score of your kids game in lights, this is your chance to pitch in. Please let us know if you can help with any of these projects. We have Board Members who are willing to lead these efforts, but we need more parents in our Little League to apply their talents and a few hours of their time and to make this season another successful one for our community. Please help us out. There are many other projects that require volunteers. These are just the most acute needs at the moment. We have many dedicated members of our community who donate substantial time to our League as Board Members, Auxiliary Board Members, managers, coaches, field workers, and snack stand managers, to name just a few, but we are an organization built on volunteerism that can always use more help. If you are one of the many parents who has already volunteered to assist the League in one of the many important projects we undertake every season, we thank you! But if you are among the many parents who would like to do more for our League but simply do not have the time right now in your life to dedicate substantial hours, this may be a good opportunity to give a few hours to help make a difference. If you think you can lend assistance to any of these projects or the many other volunteer positions listed in the registration materials, please let us know. Either send me an email or leave a message on the MBLL main number listed below if you are interested in volunteering for one of these projects. I will then put you in touch with the Board Member in charge of these projects. And if none of these projects work for you, please review the purple 2004 League Volunteer Positions form in your registration material and find something that might be a fit and send the completed form to MBLL with your registration form. Thanks for your help! Don't forget to Register by December 14, 2004, and forward this message to a friend who has kids in our League. Regards, Bill von Behren President, MBLL MBLL - 546-1449


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