

11th Marines Fall Short of a Title Once Again

Posted by Jacob Puda on Oct 23 2003 at 05:00PM PDT
The world of sprots is full of curses, for example the Chicago Cubs and the Boston Red Sox, both Championship caliber team's but neither one could win the big game when it counted. Well the same could be said about the 11th Marines Football team. The Cannon Cockers were #1 all year long destroying all oppenents on their way to a 6-1 regular season campaign, there only loss however was to defending champs Mag-39. "It just seems that we are cursed against them, they have won 4 straight against us" said Head Coach Jacob Puda after his squad fell victim to an 11-8 thriller Wednsday Oct.22 at the 11 Area Feild. "All thoes game were close and every time some BS happens that gets us, so it really feels like a total curse." Puda added. The game went just as expected, a hard fought defensive battle and just before the second half Mag got on the board on a 39 yard strike from QB Craig Wang to his WR, however the play was controversial. The Mag WR made the catch out of bounds in the air and then was hit by DB Nate Willis and SS Jeremy Knutson, the reciver was clearly out of bounds but the offical said the reciver would have been in bounds had he not been hit. Despite the screaming and plee's of the coaches the play would stand and they completed the ensueing two-point conversion. After the half the cannon cockers came out blazeing, marching down the field and capped the drive off with a 5 yard td run by RB Larry Lawrence, Lawrence also ran in the following two point conversion. It looked like the Cannon Cockers were back in teh drivers seat but after failing to put points on the board two more times in the red zone. DB John Freeman intercepted a Wang pass at the cannon cockers own two yard line, thats where the troubles began. The team couldnt get rolling pinned so far back and punted twice, the first went 24 yards into a 15-20 mph wind but the defense held, the second punt set Mag on the Cannon Cocker 42, after four plays and the clock ticking down to under 20 seconds Mag set up a feild goal from 43 yards and got it off, it was an ugly knuckle ball that was pushed thru the air by the driving wind and just nicked the bar and tumbled thru for the winning score. "I guess when a team has your number, they just have your number" coach Greg Long muttered. "We'll be back next year again just as hungry as ever." One person however wont be back next year and thats head coach jacob puda, retiring with a 15-5 record (4 of thoes losses to MAG). Puda brought the Cannon Cocker program out of the ashes last year and whipped them back in to a champioship squad but has lost the Title game two years in a row. " Its hard to swallow, but you learn from your losses and build off them" Puda said of the defeat." I am really going to miss this team and these players next year. But i know Greg will have them ready next, i broke the grounds and laid the foundation and he will build the dynasty on that foundation. He was really my best assest this year." Congrats to the team on a great season, and for Col. Marletto, sorry sir we let ya down again this year, thank for all the support. Good luck next year gents.


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