


Posted by Bill Carter on Dec 02 2010 at 04:00PM PST

The Western Region once again leads the Nation in ASAP participation

Just released Little League figures show that the Western Region continues to set the pace for safety protection in their local leagues.  The local leagues and districts in the Western Region have consistently been the leaders in ASAP participation and the 2010 season has followed that example with an overall participation of 95%.  This represents an increase of 2% said Regional Director Jim Gerstenslager and we thank each and everyone of you for doing everything possible to protect the children under our charge.  Jim goes on to point out that 16 districts increased their participation percentage during the 2010 fiscal year but unexpectedly, 14 districts had a decrease in results and submitted plans.  We need to constantly be vigal in safety awareness said Jim and already the District Administrators have vowed to stay on top of this important aspect of the Little League program during the 2011 season.
      “The current ASAP program (since being adopted) has proven to be the most effective approach to player protection. The leagues that have developed and instituted safety plans have drastically reduced insurance claims and injuries resulting in a safer environment for the children”.
The goal for the Western Region for 2011 has not changed, and is to have every league in the region at 100% by the time the ASAP plans deadline is reached on April 1st.
Little League Baseball Incorporated has many resources available, including a CD that has all the information needed to develop a plan for your league or district. You can also call your District Administrator or the Regional Office at 909-887-6444 for advice and support.
Let’s all participate.  Let’s strive to keep the Western Region as the #1 safety region in the United States for 2011! To read and download the latest results of the ASAP News Letter, click here.

Thank you for your participation!

Jim Gerstenslager



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