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äèééâøæ øááä | Revava Tigers

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at May 4, 2019 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
A boy's baseball team in the middle of the Shomron, Israel. See game results and recaps in "Games" Photo, standing, ltr: Harel Yedidi, Shlomoh Goldis, Aviad Yemini, Harel Raviv, Coach Shmuel Goldstein Bottom row: Meir Goldstein, Ido Yedidi, Daniel Goldstein, Yair Raviv We were active until 2006, and we have taken a break. We will hopefully resume activity in the near future (updated March, 2009) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- áúîåðä: äøàì éãéã, ùìîä âåìãéñ, àáéòã éîéðé, äøàì øáéá, îàîï ùîåàì âåìãùèééï ùåøä úçúåðä: îàéø âåìãùèééï, òéãå éãéãé, ãðéàì âåìãùèééï, éàéø øáéá ---------------------------------------------------------------------- image
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Revava Graduates Start Their Own League

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Apr 21, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Some of the kids - who are no longer kids - have organized themselves into playing softball on the grounds of the ampitheatre in Revava. Kudos to them !!
äùðä éù ìðå úåöàåú îàã îåöìçåú, òí ùéù ðöçåðåú, ùéùä äôñãéí, åàçã úé÷å. åääôñãéí äéå îùç÷éí îàã ÷øåáéí (ëîå 3-2). âí äðöçåðåú. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This year, Revava is very competitive. We have had, so far, 6 wins, 6 losses, and 1 tie game (due to time). And our losses were close (like 3-2). imageimageimage
äèééâøæ àåäáéí ìùáú òì äââ áòîöà ñááéí . àáì äàåèå ìà àåäá àú æä áúîåðä éù îéðéï ìùîàì: éàéø øáéá, äøàì øáéá, ðôúìé ÷éøùðáàåí, ãðéàì âåìãùèééï, éùé âåìãéñ, ëôéø âåø àøéä, ùìîä âåìãéñ, îúðéä øåæðáøâ -------------------------------------------- If there's no dugout, the Tigers will use the roof of Shmuel's car. His car didn't like it too much, though. In the photo we have, ltr: Matanya Rozenberg, Shlomoh Goldis, Kfir Gur-Aryeh, Yishay Goldis, Daniel Goldstein, Naftali Kirshenbaum, Harel Raviv, Yair Raviv. image