

SIFL Closing Tournament (4th Group A)

Posted by Daniel Berger on May 23 2003 at 05:00PM PDT
Usually the closing tournaments promise a lot of fun, but a look at the seeding for this years one suggests: Irgend etwas ist doch hier nicht in Ordnung! Games to be played against Lions, Oranje, Azzurri and Shooters (actually against the upper half of the league) could only mean: Warm anziehen, Jungs! But everyone who knows the Krauts, will expect unchanged enthusiasm, team spirit and motivation. So then, around 20 players on hand seemed to be a good basis. Only problem for the coach - today featured again by the president – how to realise consistency on competitive level.

After all it did not work out as expected: games against Lions and Shooters went down the …. And so the hope for qualification to semi-final. Only chance left against Oranje, where we actually marked the only goal of the entire Saturday - by Bobby. Well done Burschi! Since Oranje equalised not long afterwards, this was also the only point. In the last match Azzurri played very well or at least much better than us and their victory even meant semi-final.

The results in short...

Shanghai Krauts vs. Lions: 0-2
Shooters vs. Shanghai Krauts: 1-0
Oranje vs. Shanghai Krauts: 1-1
Azzurri vs. Shanghai Krauts: 1-0

For us it was a weak performance, not showing the overall good appearance during the season. Finishing the tournament as last (4th sounds better... I know) is indeed embarrassing but also showed clearly what to work out in the coming season.

Have a nice summer and looking forward to the next season.
Your “nach vorne schauender” Daniel


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