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The season 2000-2001 in brief…

Posted by Daniel Berger on Sep 17 2003 at 05:00PM PDT
After finishing 2nd in 2000, this year was certainly not our best one. Reasons for that are again numerous. Looking at the words of the captain in the “Mei Wenti” – magazine clearly explains it: "Krauts, das kann doch nicht so schwer sein! (That can't be too difficult!) A quiet and peaceful Saturday morning comes to a sudden end with a loud “Mensch, Ihr muesst doch einfach nur abspielen!!!” (Damn, you just have to pass the ball!!!). That is the shouting and yelling – and the great fun – every weekend at the Concordia International School. Starting off in 2000 with a strong team with some great wins early in the season, actually 18 goals in the first two matches, we had to suffer some defeats in 2001 due to the loss of some valuable players. Some left Shanghai for business reasons, three players were injured during the season and had to undergo surgery – one being our coach and mid-fielder Heinrich Schwarz. But “der Ball ist rund” (the ball is round) and “ein Spiel dauert 90 Minuten“ (a game lasts for 90 minutes) – and sometimes we really played some shocking football. But the great spirit never ceased also due to the great support of our sponsors Schenker (our long-time sponsor), TUV- Sueddeutschland and a special thanks to our main sponsor Judy's Too that always provided us with great food and drinks after our weekly practice sessions! Let's look back at some special moments on the pitch: “Alles schlappe Zicken” (they are all flabby goats) “Der kann doch gar nix” (he's just no good) „Einfach stoppen und abspielen...“ (just stop the ball and pass it on...) “Wir haben einfach zu viele Antifussballer in der Mannschaft” (We are simply a bunch of anti-football-players) At least Robert Ostendorf represented the Krauts at the dream team match and scored two goals. Stefan Kohlmeyer, Ken Chiu, Stefan Turski among others – and especially our students and interns were usually into their beers on Friday nights – and some actually played their best games with a huge hangover… A special thanks goes out to the League Committee for all the organization! Taking a look at last years “Mei Wenti” the German team was forecasted third for this season. Third we became if you turn the scoreboard around." No wonder that we finished 2nd…….. from last. The results of our games sometimes allow the question whether we played soccer at all or handball or ping pong or even basket ball. Have a look yourselves and have fun???? Judy's Krauts vs. Japan FT: 8-2 Japan FT vs. Judy's Krauts: 1-0 Judy's Krauts vs. Vikings: 10-0 Vikings vs. Judy's Krauts 4-2 Judy's Krauts vs. Shooters: 0-2 Shooters vs. Judy's Krauts: 4-0 Judy's Krauts vs. Lions FC: 1-7 Lions FC vs. Judy's Krauts: 7-0 Judy's Krauts vs. United: 0-6 United vs. Judy's Krauts: 6-0 Judy's Krauts vs. Azzurri: 1-2 Azzurri vs. Judy's Krauts: 3-1 Judy's Krauts vs. Les Bleus: 2:1 Les Bleus vs. Judy's Krauts: 5:0 Judy's Krauts vs. Oranje: 1-1 Oranje vs. Judy's Krauts: 3-1 Judy's Krauts vs. BATS SRU: 8-0 BATS SRU vs. Judy's Krauts: 2-11 So nothing more to say, let's regard this as just a passed season…..


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