

2015 Gregory Portland Tournament

Posted by Donald Wilkerson on Oct 10 2015 at 05:00PM PDT
Season Game 12:  

In the third place game of the GP HEB Wildcat Classic (Corpus Christi) Saturday at 5:30pm, Clear Lake faced off against district rival Friendswood and was victorious (61-58) in a hard fought game.  Lake's record is now 7-5.

Brazosport, the team that beat Clear Lake, went on to win the Tournament championship with a win over San Antonio Brennan 69-63.

Game 10:  Lubbock Estacado had the quickest, best defensive squad Lake has seen all season to date. After defeating the superb Lubbock Estacado team (#12 in 4A) 48-46 in a terrific basketball game Friday afernoon, Clear Lake was defeated by Brazosport (#6 in 4A)  72-59 (Game 11). The score does not reflect how one-sided the game was at times. The Exporters scored 24 points on free throws to Lake's 8. Lake's record is now 6-5.

 Game 9 In the opener of the HEB Wildcat Classic Tournament in Corpus Christi, Texas, the Falcons defeated CC Moody 72-48. Freshman Jeremiah Maldonado scored 4 of the first 5 baskets in the game.  Lake is now 5-4.



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