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Winter Meetings On The Horizon

Posted by N Frese on Nov 20 2007 at 04:00PM PST

It's only November but the wheels are turning in Senatorville.

The Senator brain trust is about to embark upon their first-ever "Winter Meetings" on December 1, as GM Nick Frese and the 28+ triumvirate of Mike Pavlik, Gary Barbara and Gary Shears gather together to plan for the future.

"With championships in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2006, this organization has always been about winning," Frese stated. "We have the unique opportunity to put together winners in ALL divisions in 2008, and that's exactly what we are going to discuss and plan for."

The 28 Senators are expected to make some off-season moves to get better, and they need to do just that to gain ground on a Swedesboro Devil Ray club that seems to get better and better every year.

"The D-Rays are coming off consecutive championships, the first team to accomplish that feat since, well, us," Frese said. "They were clearly the best team the past few seasons, and we need to play catch-up for sure."

The Senators appear certain to seek additional pitching help, albeit that is a commodity in short supply in the SJMSBL. With Ed Horner coming off back surgery and Bruce Shaw another year closer to the 38+ division, it would seem a prudent move.

"I know Horner, and I know he is chomping at the bit already," Frese reported. "I know he'll be ready to go and in top form when the bell rings. And Shaw will still be a top-shelf pitcher at the 28+ level in 2008. But you have to keep looking to the future, and it wouldn't hurt for us to start developing a young arm or two moving forward."

The disposition of the 28+ club's roster is certain to have implications for the 38s, who are coming off a disappointing season in which they lost in the semi-finals to the Delco Astros. And the 28s have many irons in the fire right now.

"We already know Joe Collins, a big hitter, is on board with us for '08," Frese said. "The only question is whether he'll play 28 or 38. Dave DeRuchie is in pretty much the same  boat."

If the 28s are able to sign a bucket full of talent for '08, Collins and DeRuchie are likely to move up. If not, both could wind up with the 28s for another season.

"There are certainly going to be some changes on our club," Frese said, "But nothing is set in stone as yet. There are some big questions such as how much Dale Amos will be available, whether or not Rich Kulikowski will be able to return, etc. But as always, it'll work itself out come April."

The 38s are most certainly expecting a big return from Ken Bevenour, the power hitting outfielder who went down late last year with a knee injury. They also hope to get a pitching boost from Doug Crowe, who will enjoy his first full season as a Senator in 2008.

"Dougie threw the ball VERY well for guy who was hurt for almost a full year," Frese said. "He could make a huge difference on the club if his progress continues. And Beave is working very hard to get himself ready for '08. I am expecting big things from him in the coming season."

The 38s are pretty well stacked with pitching, with ace John DiPietro returning, plus Chris Lawrence, Amos, a hopefully healthy Pat Dewechter, Frank Rose, and hopefully Kulikowski.

"That's a deep staff on paper," Frese said. "I can only hope they all make it onto the field.

The 47 Senators will be facing some changes, most notably the loss of Jim Toth, who handled many of the pitching chores. But they've already added Fall hero Larry Brunett, plus several other players, to a decent nucleus. And more help may be on the way.

"I would expect to see some key players make the move up to the 47s no later than 2009," Frese said. "There are a LOT of players in this 38+ division getting up in years, and the 45s are only going to get better."

The biggest question mark appears to be the 18+ Senators, who remain in limbo pending manager John Trotter's decision process.

"We just don't know what is going on there as yet," Frese stated. "He may want to continue in this league, if we want him, and he may want to leave and go back to NABA. Whatever the case may be, we'd sure like to know by January 1 so we can move forward."

If Trotter is out, Shears may help in the manager's chair, but there are other possibilities as well.

"I've had a few conversations about the manager's job," Frese said, "And I am confident we'll get this ship steaming in the right direction sooner rather than later. This much is certain: there WILL be an 18+ Senator team in SJMSBL in 2008."



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