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Triple Eagles at HVA Mixed Grand Prix

Posted by Winchester Eagles Volleyball Club on Apr 10 2022 at 11:42AM PDT in 2021/2022

What an amazing day of volleyball for the Winchester Eagles today at the HVA Mixed Grand Prix!
The Eagles stormed the tournament with three teams and took the gold.
All three Eagles teams played exceptionally well, displaying not only extraordinary volleyball skills but also tremendous team spirit.
We had a mixture of younger and more experienced players and we were really pleased to see how much our youngsters progressed throughout the day – some of them playing in new positions.
We were also very proud of our more mature players that lasted the whole day without subs or breaks in a tournament where playing is followed by reffing and on to the next game without respite – a real challenge on players’ level of fitness and overall form.
A great result for our growing club that is definitely becoming more and more prominent on the Hampshire volleyball scene. Well played everyone! Don’t forget to do some stretching or you’ll regret it tomorrow…


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