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Team Chicago Spring Break Camp!

Posted by Team Chicago Academy on Mar 06 2018 at 11:45AM PST in 2017-18

Team Chicago is hosting a spring break soccer camp March 26-29 from 9am-noon at Commissioners Park on the turf field. The camp will be run by Team Chicago Technical Director Dave Lovercheck and Girls and Boys Directors Chris Brown and Kevin Gowrie. This camp is open to all travel soccer players. Make sure your player is prepared for the spring season and improve their skills and performance. Technical and tactical themes will be emphasized in a fun and challenging environment. Players will be grouped according to age and ability.

Details are:

When :March 26 to March 29, 2018
Time: 9:00AM to Noon
Where: Commissioner’s Park Turf Field, (3704 111th St, Naperville, IL 60564)
Fee: $150 each camp each player
Equipment Needed: Please dress for soccer and weather conditions, please bring a ball.

To register please visit: https://clubs.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=294807