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News & Announcements


Practice this week

by Jeffersonville Football, 2013-07-22T16:11:00.000-07:00July 22 2013, at 04:11 PM PDT

Lineman 9-12
7 on 7 @ South Oldham we leave at 4:40 be at school by 4:20 with black shorts!

Normal 6 – 8:30 everybody!

Triton Central we leave school at 6:45, be at school by 6:30 am!!

Right now nothing! This may change.

Past Announcements

Combine that is Close!

2013-05-17 04:32 PDT by Jeffersonville Football

We are hosting a COLLEGE PROSPECT COMBINE NEXT WEDNESDAY (May 22nd) for the 3rd straight year—it is open to rising Sophs, Jrs, and Srs (NO... [more]

Upcoming Season

2013-04-19 10:12 PDT by Jeffersonville Football

The fundraising total for each participant this year is $225 dollars. Our first official ... [more]

Update on Visitation

2013-03-15 12:53 PDT by Jeffersonville Football

Coach Jones’s Mother
Saturday Visitation 1-3pm
3pm Wake
@ Perr... [more]

Plans for the Family's

2013-03-13 10:31 PDT by Jeffersonville Football

I have had some phone calls asking how to help Gavins family. Here is one idea we are going to do through the football team. The weeks of... [more]

Message Board

2011-10-23T19:24:20.000-07:00October 23 2011, at 07:24 PM PDT, Derek Hughes said:

"For the rest, of the RED DEVIL NATION, my next post game report comes out August 19th, 2012. The countdown until Friday Night continues……….Eastern 2012 at Home."
Man reading that gave me chills forreal.We gotta work hard this off season underclassman.We need to keep going up!




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