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2012 TABB Registration

Posted by Deanna Diederich on Oct 24 2011 at 05:00PM PDT
Welcome new and returning TABB families:

I am very pleased to announce the opening of the registration for the TABB 2012 season.  Thank you to all of the returning families for making last year another successful season.  If you are new to TABB...welcome.  We know you will enjoy your time as a TABB family.

We are offering an early bird registration period that includes a $25 discount if you register and pay your fees by November 1st. The early bird discount is open to everyone...both new and returning TABB families. If you are a T-ball family, the fee is always discounted and will not change.  Before November 1st at midnight, the reduced fees will be:

T-Ball:                                $75
Shetland:                           $170
Pinto, Mustang & Bronco:     $230

These fees do not include the mandatory $50 snack shack deposit that is reflected on the form. As a reminder, this deposit is refunded when you work your shift in the snack shack.

The fees will return to the regular rate as of the morning of November 2nd and will be:

T-ball:                              $75
Shetland:                          $195
Pinto, Mustang & Bronco:   $255

Returning families: to register please click the following link

It will ask for your child's name and birth-date. The form will then load with their information from last year.  If any of it has changed (e-mails, cell phone numbers, etc.), please change that information on the form as that will be what your coach sees on his Dash Board once the teams are put together.

New families please, use the link below to sign-up. You will be presented with a clean form. Please have your insurance card available before you register. 

For returning families, this should not take more than a few minutes.  For new families, it may take a bit more. There are detailed instructions on the form, so please take the time to read the instructions.
New families: to register please click the following link
Please feel free to call me with any questions you may have.

Sincerely, Coach Mike

Michael Medina
TABB Registrar


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