

Squirt Player of the Week

Posted by Chris Behonick on Jan 30 2016 at 04:00PM PST



Name:  Darius Groat
Team:   Squirt 1 - Summit Chase Apartments 
Number: 99
Favorite NHL Team:  Anaheim Ducks
Favorite NHL Player: Ryan Getzlaf

The Squirt 1 Coaches would like to honor Darius Groat.
Darius had never been on skates until he started hockey last year as a Dyno. He has been complimented on what a fast learner he is and his natural ability to skate and conform to what is required in each position he plays. He is continuing to expand his talents as a goalie this year in Squirts.
Aside from hockey, Darius is a starting pitcher and short stop for the Unatego Spartans pee-wee baseball team. He is in fourth grade and is currently completing a book report on whom he models his jersey number after, Wayne Gretzky, who is also turning 55 this week.
Darius' current favorite player is Ryan Getzlaf who is on his favorite team, the Anaheim Ducks. When he is not playing hockey, Darius enjoys playing the Legend of Zelda and playing the drums.
Way to go Darius!




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