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Posted by Daniel Berger at May 4, 2019 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Shanghai Krauts - Die Zweite

With the growing number of club members and in a drive to serve all players' interests and ambitions best, in 2006 the club formed the Shanghai Krauts - Die Zweite (formerly Shanghai Sauerkrauts) under the Krauts umbrella.

If you are looking for more information on the team, league and tournament activities of the club and how to join please look up the official homepage of the club:

The Shanghai Krauts FC

 Nothing sour about this ‘sauerkraut’ rout 


SIFL Cup: In a stunning performance on Saturday, the Shanghai Sauerkrauts blitzed six goals past a tired Crazy Turks team to secure their place in the 1st round of the SIFL cup at the Tianma playing fields in Songjiang.  In a complete reversal following their dismal display against a competent but unspectacular Korea in the league just one week earlier, the sauerkrauts responded to the critical words of their under fire player/manager Helmut Dicknoether to produce their finest display of the season.  



Playing a defensive 3-5-2 formation and kicking against a stiff breeze, the sauerkrauts showed their willingness to play as early as the 5th. minute when the inconsistent Daniel Hesmer fired a right footed shot past the Turkish keeper following some fine lead up play.  Building upon a solid defensive display led by the impassable Alik ‘Vidic’ Xu, the sauerkrauts soon doubled their lead and added two more before the half was finished with goals coming from live wire forward Alan Zhang, a second from Hesmer who pounced ‘catlike’ upon a rebound from the goalpost and one from right midfielder Sven Schmieder having solved his early optical problems.


The Turkish team seemed unable to cope with the neat accurate passing of the sauerkrauts (ed.: believe me, from the sidelines the match look much differents, or just a different match?) despite an encouraging performance from their midfielders and the fact that they ran with the advantage of a strong breeze.  All said the sauerkrauts were finally able to play to the level that their beleaguered manager had been demanding all season and showed in that first half what they were capable of.  Dicknoether whose contract with the club is due to expire at the end of the season and who, with a 2-11 win-loss record, seems unlikely to continue in the same role next season was able to select from the strongest, if not the biggest squad of the season and the difference showed on the field.


Resisting the temptation to tinker with the squad at half time, the sauerkrauts started the second half the way they had finished the first and soon had another on the board as lone striker Qi Wei slotted home another goal past the hapless Turkish keeper.  As the sauerkrauts were strolling to a comfortable victory they proceeded to bring the game to life when defensive midfielder, Carlo Paganetti was harshly adjudged to have handled the ball in the box and was shown a straight red card – the unreasonable severity of the penalty was shared by the crazy Turks in their post match report.  Down to ten men the sauerkrauts tried to reorganize their team to cope with the loss however the Turks responded with passion as they began their best period of the match.  Two quick goals including one from a superb free kick following a late tackle and booking to Alik ‘Vidic’ Xu, reduced the margin to three goals which should still have been comfortable for the sauerkrauts.  However against a Turkish team which sensed a possibility of causing the comeback of the season, the game hovered for a short period in the balance.

Come the hour come the man and who else but the irrepressible Finnish midfielder Anti Soininen, who had run tirelessly all day, popped up to slot home arguably the best goal of the day to make the game safe for the sauerkrauts.


“I feel I know the way this Turkish team plays but felt that we had the team to beat them today and if we continue to play like that then who knows?” man of the match and defensive midfield dynamo Bilgin Guengoermues was quoted as saying at the post match interview at the Carlsberg sponsors stand.


In other cup news, the Shanghai Krauts also managed to secure a place in the quarterfinals with a forfeit against the Latino’s thus setting up the mouth watering possibility of a derby final for the SIFL cup.



Yours, Red-carded and argubly the ...... of the league "Don Padre" Carlo Paganetti


8:34 a.m. A flatulent dog decided to use a well-kept wide grass ground at Tianma Resort for doing his morning toilet. 

8:58 a.m. At a sunny early morning a strident whistle cut the silent air at a football pitch somewhere in the east China nowhere. But from far away a dark and heavy thunderstorm announced its arrival… 

9:08 a.m. UFO spotted: Some morning jogger at mount Sheshan reported to have seen a flying object with shape of a ball above Tianma soccer field flying eternally through the air above the pitch before finally be catched by a near located net. Scientists have no idea what they could have seen there. 

9:35 a.m. I overheard a talk at the sideline: “Thought you said he eats, drinks and sleeps football” Reply by somebody who refuses too be named: “He does, he just can't play it” 

9:44 a.m. In the Eye of the thunderstorm the wind eased and some German football players in Tianma could temporarily heal their wounds and examine the damage the storm has caused so far. The score: 0:6. 

10:23 a.m. In commemorate to Jari Litmanen in his best years Sauerkrauts midfield engine Antti lifted a long, crossing the whole defense, pass over the lonesome goalie into the wide empty net. 

10:28 a.m. In a north China town, a relatively well-known native bloke, xing Hu, turned around a last time in his bed hitting a bi** he met at a semi-official political dinner the evening before. 

10:42 a.m. After a chaos in the Corean box Shanghai Sauerkrauts striker Nico hit the ball humorless from 15 m distance into the far right corner of the goal, leaving an astonished keeper. Really nice shot. 

10:46 a.m. At the edge of the world a soccer match between some sleepy-drunken guys and a Corean group of people ended 2:8. 

10:53 a.m. There are rumors, that behind a muddy streetfood kitchen in a stinky lane of Shanghai Baoshan district a sack of rice fell over – but it`s not confirmed so far…….

Reported by Sven "the Rostocker"

I was enjoying the nice sunny Sunday when following email reached my mailbox: "Guys, I would really really appreciate, if we can have the match reports. I have been writing to ask about this for several times. So please! Attached the game reports, if it might be helpful. Each of us is busy; I think it is not that much asked to have your team contribution. Everyone has to write once at least and many of us already did.Thanks in advance Bilgin P.S. Again, please try to give us by Tuesday latest!!!!" 

Ok, Papa “busy” Bilgin writes emails really often but such “Gehirnfurz” never reached my mailbox before.Tuesday?! - Is he serious? Could that be? How should I write a match report about a game dated back more than 6 weeks until the next Tuesday?? How should I remember things happened during that game??I dropped the same question back to the Master and got this answer: No match report, no soccer!! Ok Bilgin, that’s a little bit too much!! How should the Sauerkrauts survive without Karla “Tormaschine” Hesmer? No laughs anymore about the fabulous “centre circle run”!! No way, this should never happen! So all for one and one for all… 

The year is 2009, a nice, almost sunny Saturday in February somewhere around Shanghai Pudong. The pitch, better call it Acker, was as bad as every time. Our opponent, a team named “Voodoo Child” was warming up really professional while we were still discussing about the DAB beer Vogelmann brought along. Trying to warm up on the brand new Rollrasen next to the Acker was stopped suddenly by two official pitch shifus. Ok, why should we use the new green, that’s an eligible question… but no answer!

Ok, on with the show. Kickoff: I do not really remember the starting line-up, but I do know that we started really defensive due to Helmut kicking the ball outside the pitch every time he got it. With Antti, Nico and me of course we had a really good offensive line which was suddenly blasted in the 25th minute when this fu&%$§ carroty-hair Voodoo defensive player kicked my right foot really bad. But no whistle from the referee, nothing! This was really one of this lifetime suspension fouls, but no reaction from the officials!! While I was limping off the pitch the crowd was really upset. Just like every time when key players must be substituted also this game turned around. During crowd singings: “Schiri wir wissen wo dein Auto steht” Voodoo scored the first goal due to an individual mistake made by Helmut. With that deficit of 0:1 we went into halftime.

Kickoff for the second half: While I was performing handicraft work with empty beer cans, trying to create little voodoo dolls to hurt this fu&%$§ carroty-hair defender, we conceded the second goal again by an individual mistake by our so called coach. Or was it even my fault due to a mistake I did with the voodoo doll? This question will never be answered…Nico seemed not be affected by the voodoo beer doll and kept on trying, but without any success. Also Vogelmann made a mockery of himself missing the empty goal. During that really good offensive period the third goal was scored by a counterattack. Rumour has it that this was our “Fliegenfänger’s” fault! Nobody really knows… or wants to know! Antti “Man of the Match” Soininen did an awesome job in the midfield but was also not able to prevent the killing stroke 4:0 scored in the final period of the game. In the end an unlucky game and an undeserved loss which leads to the questions if we need to rename our team… Sauerkrauts 04? 

Come on Sauerkrauts keep on fighting!!!

The self-declared "Tormaschine" 

hier der matsch report... 

It was a good day for having football: wet and slippy conditions not that blow job thing like the week before against Cosmos- what was also nice but had missing something... 

In defense we started with a well ORGANIZED Chinese Wall (Alan-Alic-Elich), 2 defense midfielders (Jan and Bilgin-Captain of both teams), 4 midfielders (Daniel, Eric, Nico, Juergen K.) and our one night stand striker (Aydin). Not to forget our goalie: Lingbo named Ling (hinten steht die Null).

Peeping Toms on the bench: Juergen F. (trialist), Ulli, JPR, John and Sven. Impressed by their last weekend performance, we started with wait and see (kontrollierte Offensive) only to figured out that there was more to get than 2 early goals a la Krauts, becausein contrast to our chinese wall set up the Turkish defense played with belly dancers. That did not attract Eric to much. Consequence was his unsentimental goal after a nice freekick from right side by Daniel. 

Like every other game we than lost our rhythm and the turkish offense had more and more chances to show some of their hanky-panky football they learned by watching Galatasaray against Fenerbahce. But that was not really urgent and the first half ended with the usual discussions between Zaipan, turkish Rumpelstilzchen and the captain of both teams: Bilgin. 

Second half Sven must have played because he made the 2:0. After Aydin and ball were somehow sticking in turkish defense, Aydin saw no other chance than passing the ball back to Sven, who in a strange turn showed is feelingly right foot and smoothly kicked the ball from 18 meters to the inside of the post into the goal. A last rear up by the turkish team what did not harm us, a 3:0 after a nice solo by Adin, Turks who gave up themselfes, a 4:0 again by Eric, one Craziest Turk who faced a red card but thanks to his captain Bilgin did not get it and the final 5:0 again by Aydin- these are the naked facts and the end was hugging and ... drinking Carlsberg. 

Yours, Captain of both teams…guess….