

Practice Fees

Posted by Jon Morinishi on Jun 19 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
Since we are using the official Force website I can explain a few items that might be a little confusing. In the Calendar section you will notice a dollar amount under each practice time. This amount is the gym rental fee for that day. We are very fortunate that Mariners does not charge after our two hours are done as we are usually in the gym for another 30 minutes each night. We will then calculate all the gym fees for the month and will divide it equally between our 10 families. June will be the most expensive month sine we had no tournaments to participate in. We have paid Natalie Nakase and Erin Kiyomura from our VFW Tournament Fund as well as the entry fee for the Hollywood Dodgers Tournament in Vegas. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT WE GO OUT AND TRY TO GET ADS FOR THE VFW TOURNAMENT BOOK THIS YEAR, THE MONEY THAT IS REIMBURSED TO US AFTER THE TOURNAMENT CAN BE UTILIZED FOR PRACTICE TIMES, ETC. Thanks, Mark


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