

Ouzo Defeats the Russians 2-1

Posted by Rob Anderson on Feb 14 2009 at 04:00PM PST

SOCCER CITY - ETOBICOKE:  In a game where some fans had premonitions of Rocky IV, Ouzo once again prevailed.   Emotions were high as Spartak and Ouzo had never played each other before.  Game time was at 10pm, but rumour has it Spartak was seen warming up at 8:45pm.  In what some people might call a "Skeleton Crew", that is what Ouzo had for players.  Ouzo had only 7 players and a goalie while Spartak looked to have an army of 16. 

The game started out very physical with Steve "I drive a Porsche" Delaney shoulder charging one of the Spartans hard into the ground.  This set the tone for a very physical game.  Ouzo possessed the ball and controlled the game nicely.  It wasn't until Jesse "The Schnitzel" Geisel shoulder charged one of the Spartans and got a penalty- that the Spartans actually took possession.   There were many Spartak fans in the crowd who let Ouzo know they were not well liked.  Ouzo however, maintained their composure and Stewie "I fall asleep on woman's laps" Fletcher managed to find Steve Delaney in the slot on free kick and Delaney found the back of the net with one of his classic side foot fire balls.   Ouzo was ahead 1-0 and would continue to pressure the Russians.  Ouzo pulled away when Anthony Shaw made a very creative flip pass to the Schnitzel who caught the goalie out in no man's land to touch the ball into the net.   Ouzo would go into the half time with a 2-0 lead.  However, the fans knew Ouzo was bagged as Steve Delaney and Steve "I love to wear hats" Sacchitiello had no substitutes so they forced to play the entire game.  

The second half would start as the the first finished with high emotions and physical play.  It became so physical that Stewie Fletcher was practically dragging a Spartak on his back so he had to elbow him in the head to get him off.  This resulted in another Spartak power play.  Ouzo once again remained strong at the back and held off Spartak to maintain their 2 goal lead.  With just under 8 minutes left in the game Spartak had Ouzo on their heels.  When the referee wasn't looking (and that was often) the biggest player on Spartak would grab the Ouzo goalie Andrew "Don't Make Me Angry" Spencer and toss him aside as the ball spun into their net.  It was at this point, all mayhem broke out.  Not only was there a foul on the Ouzo goalie, but Steve Sacchitiello was quoted saying, "it hit the big man's hand as well before it went into the net".  So there should have been a foul and a hand ball, but there was neither and it now was 2-1 for Ouzo.  Ouzo continued to battle and emotions between the Ouzo players were being felt with  Mike the "Ladies Man" having a few choice words for the referee and Sacchitiello as well.  With under 5 minutes remaining Ouzo had 2 more chances with Stewie Fletcher hitting the post and Sacchetiello narrowly missing the near post.  Spartak would hold Ouzo in their own end for the remainder of the game, but they could not capitalize and Andrew Spencer made several key saves to give Ouzo the victory.

 Ouzo retired to Wingers Lounge to celebrate yet another victory and an unbeaten regular season record for their 2008-09 sessions.  The Final Three remaining at Wingers would be Rusnov, the Schnitz and Sacchetiello.

 Ouzo's next game is this Sunday at 4:40pm with a classic rematch of Westside who they played in 2007 season.  Hope to see you all there!!!



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