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2007 Season Highlights

Posted by Ron Kummerer on Mar 23 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
Icebreaker Tournament - Not so good, 0-2, We more more interested in the Eagles vs. Saints playoff game - no big deal

Norristown Early Bird - cancelled due to the ice sheets on the field

Millenium Early Bird - should have been postponed or cancelled. fields were a filthy mess. Not a bad showing, though we were 1-2.  Lost to Brown's/JG Chemical 9-8 and then lost to Monahan's Pub 25-24.  We hit well for the most part but too many costly errors, a few too many walks and some no so good timing on bad at bats led to the losses.  Pat was crushing the ball. Pugh didn't make an out.  Focker hit the ball well. Buzz talked to everyone at the field.  Killer didn't yell at anyone or kick dirt on them.  Mick hit one through a 747 and back down to earth - the guy still caught it.  Lefty's pussed out and went home to give us one W. 

Norristown Opening Night - vs. Cannon , lost 21-5
Didn't hit too well. Couple of calls that didn't go our way cost us about 13 runs since they would have been inning ending outs.  They made a couple of great double plays and a couple good bounces went their way. Adam played well at 3rd. Pugh continued his hot start at the plate.  The field blows right now.  The lights are horrible and I can't wait to get to the new field.

vs. ODL, win 30-29
Great game, lot's of fun to be part of. We hit the ball real well and more importantly we fought back when we were down.  They scored a bunch and we came back and scored a bunch more. We rolled a double play to end the game. Buckeye went yard for the first HR in Norristown.  It was actually our first win of 2007.  It's been a rough start.  Maybe we're on our way now. 

Opening Night in Gap vs. Longhorns, we split. lost 16-15, then won 16-4
Chilly opening night in Gap. We lost in 9 innings to the new Longhorn team. Couple of big errors cost us pretty bad.  Next game we were pretty pissed off and came out and put up 12 in the second inning. Roger hit 2 HR's for our first one's in Gap.  Bucky threw a laser to get a guy at home (I think it rolled from the pitcher's mound to the plate...LOL)

Opening Day at the YMCA - Taylor Electric forfeit

vs. Spikes - rained out from Nor'Easter

vs. Bulldogs - swept them, 20-0 and 25-24, Robbie and Brownie didn't make an out all night, Roger, Robbie and Focker went yard, defense was horrific in the second game, but we are hitting the ball right now, so that's a plus

Gap League Tournament - won the tournament with a 5 - 0 record, Ash was named MVP. he hit the snot out of the ball all day and played an awesome 3rd base. beat the Panthers, Longhorns, Brawlers, Predators, and the Outlaws (finals).  Best part of the day - the umpires were great!  well, let's not get carried away....they did a very good job...more to follow

vs. the Pretenders - won 15-5, new team at the Y, not very good at all, Kristy made her 07 Tribe debut, played very well at first and got on base a couple of times too

vs. Paragon - lost 18-6  -didn't hit the ball, ump blew a great call at first - lol.  they went to turn two on us and the ball hit off the firstbaseman's glove and went into right field. ump turned his back and called the double play and we let the ump get the best of us - myself included.  Paragon hit the ball well and they certainly deserve to have their shot in "A"

vs. Spikes (make-up from the rain) - won 19-14 -  came back in the 9:00 game after a couple beers and hit the ball real well against a Spike's team that was up and down all night.  defense was great. focker hit his first HR out of Heel's field.  Adam was 4 for 4 that game and Bucky is starting to catch fire after a slow start with the Tribe.

vs. Misfits - won 27-14 - they still stink, we played 9 vs. 9, Kristy finished the game for Koach as he was needed to heel a battle scar on Carli, Scoob started the game off with a bomb to centerfield, he missed 3rd so the retard was called out - that's our boy!  Sr. made his 07 debut with Tribe after missing some time with his 50 + team,  Shortbus rolled with a 5 for 5 game

vs. TNT/Mel's - lost 32-29,  we showed a ton of heart in this game and did so for the first time since we started playing in Norristown.  Down 28-8 going into the bottom of the 5th, we put up 15 runs to keep things going.  we outscored them 21-15 in the last 3 innings but we hurt ourselves with cold bats and a few mistakes in the field in the early innings.  great game to be a part of. i think we earned a little respect and proved to ourselves once again that we can play with anyone in the league.

vs. Outlaws - split with them on the night, surprisingly we didn't have much drama with them, most of the team hit the ball pretty well,  defense is still a little suspect right now but it will come, Focker finally really got into one down there and yanked one over the RC fence, they appear to still be using "the bat", but what can we do?

vs. Bonecrusher's - 21-0, not much to say. everyone hit the ball well and the other team stunk it up

vs. Predator's - make up games, lost 22-20 and then won the second game 22-21, way, way, way too many stupid errors cost us a game and almost both games.

D National Qualifier  what the F....we sucked. couldn't hit our way out of a wet paper bag. lost 9-7 to sun's village and 9-8 to the outlaws of delco. modi's team ended up winning it all. we were in the parking lot before lunch was even over.

vs. Cannon  won 19-9 in 5 innings.  we bounced back well to stay hot down in norristown.  ash pitched a nice game and was 4 for 4 at the plate. Robbie had a grand slam in a big 8 run second inning.  that was the first time we've beaten Cannon and now puts us at 5-3 and in 3rd place.


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