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Posted by Michael Collins on Aug 31 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

Multisports OC Coach Michael Collins offers professional bike fitting and posture evaluations which include video taping and analysis. The cost is $80 an hour (an average fit takes betwen 1-1/2 to 2 hours).

 "I feel a good bike fit involves more than just moving the seat and bars around with a rider going easy on a stationary trainer. It's important to look at an athletes position under load and evaluate their posture on the bike, power output and comfort for more than just a few minutes of riding. Also, seat height can be evaluated better by using video analysis to see what the natural angles of the rider are when they are really riding."

"Since I do not work at a bike shop, so I have no vested interest in whether an athlete buys new equipment or not. I try to get them to the most opitmal position possible with what they have, and if that is not possible explain why they can't and what changes need to made to their equipment (stem length, type of aero bars or saddle, centermount vs laid back seat post, or just too big or small of frame to achieve a safe and comfortable fit)."

 See a Before/After video clip HERE 

- Coach Michael Collins, Certified FIST triathlon bike fitter

Contact Coach Michael Collins  to schedule a bike fit and posture evaluation at 949-338-6682.



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