

Fall 2007/2008 News

Posted by Bill White on Jan 27 2008 at 04:00PM PST


Fall 2007/2008 16U NEWS

Rockets Players Get Exposure

Jan 20, 2008

The Rockets spent this weekend in St. Louis at the USSSA College Exposure Tournament held at the Jamestown Indoor Sports Complex.  Although the event was a tournament format, the primary purpose of the event was to gain exposure with the (roughly 20) college coaches who attended, scouting for prospects.

The schedule was not very kind to the Rockets, as they played two exhibition games on Saturday evening and a very late elimination game starting past midnight.  The Rockets handily defeated the Dynasty and the Hammers in their two exhibition contests.  Pitching, offense and defense were all strong at these two games.  The Rockets put on a very good show for the college coaches.

The late game, however, was a different story.  The team came back from their two-hour break and they were just a little flat...  Maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was the bitter cold.  Whatever the reasons, the bats just weren't as hot and the Rockets failed to score a run against the Menaces, while allowing three runs. 


The ultimate goal for the weekend was accomplished however - getting exposure and having fun.  This Rockets team is full of talent, and the girls will continue to improve as a team.  Watch for the Rockets to really make their mark this summer.

Pictures HERE


Rockets Competitive at 18U Tanel 360

Oct 21, 2007

The Rockets played up again this weekend, competing with the 18U teams at the Tanel 360 at Adair Park.

Keeping in mind that our 14,15 & 16 year old Rockets team is competing with girls much older and more experienced, it was a very competitive tournament.  Every game was a coin-flip and the girls did a great job proving they are a team to be wary of.

The tournament started with two exhibition games.  The first opponent was the 18U Black Ice.  Kaley Patterson took the ball for the Rockets.  Black Ice scored a run in the first inning on two hits.  They scored another run in the second inning on two hits.  The Rockets scored a run in the third inning on a walk by Megan Bryde, a sacrifice bunt by Bailey Hefner and an RBI single by Patterson.  The Rockets took the lead in the forth inning scoring two runs on a single by Jessica Smith, an error, a walk (Logan Roberts) and a 2 RBI single by Hefner.  Black Ice came right back in the bottom of the inning scoring two more runs on four hits.  That would be the final score as the Rockets lost this one 3-4 in five innings.

The second exhibition game was against the 18U Nebraska Sluggers.  Lauren Thimmesch  took the circle for the Rockets.  The Sluggers came out hot, scoring two runs in the first inning on two hits and an error.  They scored another run in the forth inning on on two hits.  With time running out in the game, the Rockets scored 4 runs in the bottom of the fifth inning on a hit batter (Chelsea Parr), two walks (Roberts & Hefner), a single by Patterson, several passed balls and an RBI single by Smith.  The Rockets won this game 4-3 in five innings.


Bracket play began Saturday night with the Rockets facing the Harrisonville Twisters.  Kellie White got the start for the Rockets.  The Twisters scored a run in the second inning on on two hits.  The Rockets tied it up, scoring a run in the third inning on a single by Patterson, an error and an RBI single by Thimmesch.  The Twisters scored another run in the forth inning on two hits and a walk.  The Rockets lost this game 1-2 in five innings.

Now in the losers bracket, the Rockets once again faced the Black Ice.  White took the circle again for the Rockets.  Black ice scored a run in the first inning on a 2-out single and an error.  The Rockets tied it up in the bottom of the inning on multiple errors off a hit by Hefner, a single by Patterson and another error.  The Rockets took the lead scoring another run in the third inning on a single by Roberts, a walk (Smith), an error and a single by Thimmesch.  Black Ice scored two runs in the forth inning on three hits.  The Rockets hopes for another 18U championship game were over as they lost their second game 2-3 in five innings.


Here are some highlights from this tournament:

  • Batting:
    Overall, the bats are struggling a little but Smith and Patterson share the offensive lead, each hitting .500 for the weekend.  The team batting average was .293 for the tournament.  Thimmesch, Hefner and
    Lauren Fox also batted above the team average for the weekend.

  • Defense:
    Defense was much stronger this weekend, only recording 4 errors in 4 games for a team fielding percentage of .959.  Hefner, Parr, Smith, Patterson, Thimmesch, Roberts and Bryde all had perfect fielding with no errors.

  • Pitching:
    The Rockets pitching squad had another good tournament.  The Squad ERA for the weekend was 3.32.  Thimmesch led the squad with her 1.40 ERA against the Nebraska Sluggers, and the only Win for the Rockets.  White pitched two games, striking out 10 batters with a 2.80 ERA.

Rockets finish 2nd at 18U Capital City Crush

Oct 1, 2007

The Rockets played in their first tournament of the Fall Season this weekend at Lake Shawnee in Topeka, KS.  The Rockets played up competing in the 18U division.

Their first game was against the 18U Lawrence Phenix.  Kellie White got the start for the Rockets.  Phenix scored 1 run in the first inning, with two outs, on back to back doubles.  The Rockets came out hot in bottom of the inning with a bunt by Janessa, a single by Bailey Heffner, a walk by Kaley Patterson, a hit batter (Kendal), a dropped third strike (Mariah Stortzum), an RBI ground-out by Lauren Fox and walks by White and Chelsea Parr.  The Rockets added a run in the second inning on a single by Hefner, a sacrifice by Patterson, a single by Kendal and a single by Stortzum.  That would be the final score as the Rockets won this game 6-1 in 5 innings.

Their second game was against the 18U Diamond Cutters.  Patterson got the start for the Rockets.  The Rockets scored a run in the first inning  on a triple by Janessa and an RBI ground-out by Hefner.  They scored another two runs in the second inning on a Single by Fox, a single by Janessa and an error.  The Diamond Cutters scored a run in the forth inning on one hit and an error.  The Rockets put the game out of reach in the fifth inning scoring 3 more runs on a single by Hefner, a bunt by Patterson and a two-RBI single by White.  The Rockets won this game 6-1 in 5 innings.

Their third pool game was against the 18U Flames from Spring Hill, KS.  Stortzum got the start for the Rockets.  The Flames came out hot, scoring 2 runs in the first inning on 3 hits.  The Rockets came back in the bottom of the inning scoring a run on a single by Hefner and an RBI single by Kendal.  That would be the final as the Rockets stranded 4 and lost this game 2-1 in 5 innings.



Their final pool game on Saturday was against the 18U Scarlets from East Des Moines, IA.  Lauren Thimmesh got the start for the Rockets.  The Scarlets scored a run in the third inning on a walk, a sacrifice and a single.  The Rockets tied the score in the bottom of the inning on a double by Parr and an RBI triple by Janessa.  The Rocket defense came apart in the forth inning allowing the Scarlets 4 runs on 2 hits and 4 errors.  With time running out, the Rockets mounted a come-back.  They scored 3 runs on a single by Patterson, a single by Kendal, an RBI single by Thimmesch, an RBI single by White and a single by Parr.  With the winning run stranded, the Rockets lost this game 4-5 in 4 innings.

Bracket play began on Sunday morning against the Flames.  White took the circle for the Rockets.  The Rockets took the lead in the second inning on a single by White, a sacrifice by Parr and a two-run home run by Stortzum.  The Flames attempted a come-back in the bottom of the sixth inning.  They scored 1 run on 2 hits and 2 errors leaving the bases loaded.  The Rockets advanced to the championship game beating the Flames 2-1 in 6 innings.

The Championship game had the Rockets facing the Scarlets again.  Thimmesch took the circle for the Rockets.  The Scarlets scored a run in the first inning on 1 hit.  They scored another run in the second inning on 1 hit and an error.  They scored another 4 runs in the third inning on 4 hits and 2 errors before the skies opened up and the tournament was canceled.  This game did not complete 3 full innings, so it is not an official game.  The Scarlets were awarded the 1st place trophy based on their pool play record.

Here are some highlights from this tournament:

  • Batting:
    White led the Rockets offense hitting .417 for the weekend.  The team batting average was .309 for the tournament.  Parr, Thimmesch, Hefner and
    Hannah Jokisch also batted above the team average for the weekend.

  • Defense:
    Defense was a little shaky this weekend, recording 13 errors in 6 games for a team fielding percentage of .886.  Hefner, Patterson and White all had perfect fielding with no errors.

  • Pitching:
    The Rockets pitching squad had a good tournament.  The Squad ERA for the weekend was 1.25.  Patterson led the squad with a 0.00 ERA in her game against the Diamond Cutters.  White had a 0.64 ERA after two full games against the Phenix and Flames, striking out 18 of 46 batters faced.


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