


USSF "E" Liscense Coaching Course July 28th, 29th and 30th at Tusculum College

Posted by mark heard on Nov 30 2006 at 04:00PM PST in Spring 2015
Youth Module I Coaching Course (sign up). Hosted by Elizabethton Soccer Association. 15-Jul-06 -- details here: Check out SCOSA's Coaching Program (in 'Handouts') for incentives to take this course.


2024-06-15T06:55:41.000-07:00June 15 2024, at 06:55 AM PDT, Michael Knowles said:

This USSF E License Coaching Course sounds like an amazing opportunity for coaches looking to elevate their skills! As someone who has been passionate about soccer coaching for years, I can definitely appreciate the value of continuous learning and professional development. I remember the first coaching course I attended, and how much it transformed my approach to coaching. It wasn’t just about understanding the game better, but also about learning how to communicate effectively with players and foster a positive team environment. Courses like these are invaluable for personal growth and for the benefit of the teams we coach. In my experience, managing the workload of coaching, especially while trying to improve professionally, can be quite challenging. I once had a particularly busy period where I needed to prepare for an important tournament and complete a detailed coaching development plan simultaneously. During this time, I discovered how crucial it was to delegate some of my responsibilities to stay on top of everything. This led me to use cheap essay writing 24 for drafting some necessary documents, which allowed me to focus more on practical coaching and team preparation.

