Online Payment Form

This form is not collecting results at the moment. Online Payment Form does not collect results after 2021-02-28.
hideYou should not enter any sensitive information on this page such as health data, passwords, credit cards or social security numbers. If you are being asked or need to provide this information for your registration please contact North Metro Ballers Basketball Club directly. A secure checkout page will be used to collect your payment details on the next page.

Pricing Details

Total: $ 400.00

Online Payment Form

Register Below

Parent/Guardian waiver and permission for child to participate with the North Metro Ballers basketball

I, parent or guardian of the above named candidate for a position on a North Metro Ballers Basketball Club, hereby give approval to his/her participation in any and all league/practice activities during the current season. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from all activities; and do hereby waive, release, the player to and from activities for any claim arising out of an injury to the player.

I also grant permission to managing personnel to authorize and obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital or medical clinic should the player become ill or injured while participating in any league activities away from home, or at all other times when neither parent or guardian is available to grant authorization for emergency treatment.

I FURTHER RELEASE The North Metro Ballers, its officers, directors, coaches and other volunteer workers from any liability due to injuries or illness of any type which may be sustained by my child while participating in a North Metro Ballers program.

I, fully understand that it is my responsibility to familiarize myself and child with NMB’s Rules and Regulations found on the NMB website: Should I not be able to access this site, I will email: and request a copy be provided to me. In these rules are CODES OF CONDUCT and decorum that will be adhered to while my son/daughter and myself are members/ participants in our program. Please be aware that these Rules and Regulations, as well as the Code of Conduct are subject to change, and you are responsible for adhering to the most current revision.

I understand that there will be NO refunds given once my child has accepted a position on a North Metro Ballers team and has attended their first practice.

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