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zach is back home !!

Posted by David Pierce on May 12 2005 at 05:00PM PDT
Good Evening everyone !!! Well, we are home and keeping our fingers crossed that we don't have any set-backs. Zach is doing well, but still very nauseated. Well, here's the story.... Friday was surgery and instead of having to be tortured watching them roll your child away, I was asked by the doctors to actually stay in the O.R. until Zach was fully asleep. So, I put on the nuclear reactor suit (the full oversized white jumpsuit that made me look and feel like an oompa-loompa) and I walked my son into surgery. I kept my cool until he started to fight the mask that was putting him to sleep...Niagara Falls would be jealous of my waterfall...anyway, I left the O.R. broken-hearted and scared sh&@-less, but I knew he was in good hands. We did not know whether or not he would require a breathing machine, so we didn't know what to expect when he came out. God was really looking out for him because not only did he not require any extra help with his breathing issues, but he also didn't have to be taken to the PICU (pediatric ICU) due to not being placed on a breathing machine or vent. When Dave and I first saw him, daddy was really taken aback. I was actually in much better shape seeing him without any big tubes/hoses going down his throat. He originally had three I.V.'s going when we first saw him (one of them was actually an "A-line" set-up in case Zach required any blood), but they took out the A-line one before he left recovery. He stayed in a 24-hour constant care unit on his floor for the next 1 1/2 days. By Saturday night, they decided that he was stable enough to be moved into a regular room. Zach was heavily sedated thru Saturday, and was experiencing major vomiting issues. He couldn't keep any juice down and was not at all interested in food. It was really a sad moment when he decided to give a popsicle a try...enjoyed eating it, but it decided to go visit the neighbors and "exited" his system rather abruptly. He didn't feel like even trying popsicles after that. His vomit ailment continued thru Sunday night, and we were all starting to get a little worried. Low and behold ... here comes Monday, and it was a new (and much improved) day!!! Zach's yuck-ness died out, and he became interested in trying to move about for the first time in days. (he had been terrified of exposing his head and being upright too much)...well, some physical therapists came by and helped encourage him out of bed. We got him moving and even walking in no time. It was so cute to see this little guy walking the hallway with his I.V. pole following--therapists, and exclaiming to anyone he passed "look at me, I can walk... I'm doing it." He then proceeded to eat, "clean himself out", and drink juice (we had two I.V. mishaps..one fell out Sunday night, had to redo it....and then it fell out again Monday night--thankfully they decided to leave it out this time because he was drinking finally on his own)...and since he was easily moving around, one of the nurses was already discussing releasing him last night. I said no--too soon. So we decided to see what happens today. Day started out fine, Zach already knew that he was probably going home, so he was very cooperative and good--but he also had the bed-bug jitters...he couldn't stand being in bed anymore and wanted to wander the halls looking for his doctor to tell him that he's better and he wants to go home. Got hime ready, packed up, and BOOM!!! my baby boy threw-up again....he got all upset and started whining about not staying any longer, and then the doctors assistant came by....I told her about what happened, and she was very nervous about releasing him. She wanted to see him stay another day originally, but with him getting sick again, that seemed to take the cake--until she heard Zach begging to go home, and I helped encourage it instead of staying strong and thinking only of his health and safety. Well, she eventually gave in ...and we were on our way within the hour. But God wanted to remind me about what matters most---and it wasn't our wanton desire to be home....yep, you guessed it---Zach got real sick in the car, and decided that his blue SpongeBob shirt would look better "tie-dyed"...yes, gross-I know...but do you really want me to be fully descriptive??? So, anyway==he's home, mom's very nervous, and dad's relieved to be done with driving back and forth to Chicago for awhile. He still seems to have an extremely sensitive stomach, and has even complained of headaches--but otherwise, you wouldn't even really know what this small child has been thru in the last 5 days by looking at him, and watching how he acts (until he turns around). Surgery result?? SUCCESSFUL!!! The doctors did have to remove an extra membrane that was blocking the flow of the spinal fluid, and the doctor is not sure why that was even there, but otherwise ==exactly as expected..... At this point, here's what we know...in three months Zach will have to go back for several tests again to see if there was any improvement in the tethered cord (the brain surgery might help to relieve the area to which it is "tied" by helping the syrinxes shrink down and let go of some of the pressure in his back)...and in two weeks we will return to the neurosurgeon to evaluate post-op. One concern we all have is that Zach started the "jitterbug"...he jumps/jerks/twitches involuntarily in his sleep, and continues doing it for the first 15-20 minutes after he falls asleep. Dr. Alden, Dave, and I are hoping it just effects of the anesthesia, and it should be winding down soon. All in all, we have no complaints. Children's is awesome, the medical personnel rocks and everyone took great care of our baby boy. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers...it helped our son immensely and we couldn't be more pleased with the results...his speech has already showed signs of improvement as has his intellectual speaking...so, we'll see. Josh and Elisabeth have to stay with relatives because Zach has to keep a very low low low profile for the rest of the week at least, and I really miss them desperately...so, for now we are just having some really great one-on-time with our baby boy. We will be sending some pix--so look out for them. Thanks all again--gotta go and cuddle with my boy...good-night.....love always-dave and tam.


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