

Zach Update #3

Posted by David Pierce on Mar 30 2005 at 04:00PM PST
hello everyone...well, I'm really glad yesterday is now behind us, but it didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped it would...there was a very long wait time because they were incredibly understaffed last night...and yet they did a beautiful job handling Zach...he's a tough little guy and fights everything, but they were able to be quick and get done what was needed in very little time (COMPARED TO LAST YEAR)...but I am very annoyed with the neurosurgeon...when we got down to the MRI room, they were verifying what body parts would be analyzed...all he had down was to check Zach's spine, yet when they called to verify everything the day before, I was told "head and spinal" MRI...well, right away I got on the tech to check this because I was told by Dr. Angle (the geneticist) that Dr. Alden (neurosurgeon) wanted to re-check the measurements of Zach's Chiari Malformation and determine if there was any surgery in the future...all along I've been led to believe that Dr. Alden was concerned about Z's malformation, and yet he didn't even order the MRI to check it (yet I was told all along that it was a "head and spinal" I was a little pissed..I dragged my son there, they poked him, drugged him and now the poor thing was going to go thru the hour long test --only to have to do this again if they did find anything and now have to check the measurement of the c.malformation) I made the tech contact Dr. Alden and check it out...I heard her say "just spinal-ok" and then she handed me the phone to talk to him....well......the doc didn't see me coming...he was very nice, but I was mad so I kept questioning him on why he wouldn't check the measuremnts (everything I've researched on the net is always specifying the importance of having the correct measurmnts--which is why I'm so focused on that)....he said it's probable that it didn't get any worse, but he couldn't know for sure.....ok--now I know that I'm not a doctor, or a NEUROSURGEON for that matter....but am I the only person that is thinking "ok, so let's check it out to be sure...Zach is here, all drugged up and ready, so why the hell would a doctor err on the side of arrogance especially when dealing with a child??? WELL==those of you who know me well, know that I'm very "convincing" when I want and need to after pushing him a little more, I told him that this was not acceptable and I expect a clear measuremnt (God help him if it's actually gotten worse). He was only originally "concerned" with checking to see if the chiari has become symptomatic (looking for a syrinx==pocket of fluid on spinal column), and also checking for a tethered cord (spinal cord is supposed to "float" on bottom by your bottom, if it's not floating, it's possibly tethered (tied) to something around it causing the child to not grow properly, and hence causing problems with lower limbs...ok--done with my doctorate (hahaha)...Dr. Alden changed his mind after our "discussion" . they did check the chiari's measurmnt and the spine for tethering and a syrinx ( there will be a test later)...... We have an appointment with Dr. Alden next Wednesday and I pray for his patience ...because I'm ready -- and I will not tolerate arrogance in any form...last year Dave and I got pushed around a little by the second geneticist and the neurologist...both were arrogant, rude, and not very informational about what Zach's tests showed you know that you have a set of tonsils in your head ? (Kristi and Mike -- you're exempt)...when the neurologist explained "mild tonsillar ectopia" --he told us that Zach's tonsils were "out"...NEVER specifying it was the ones in his head --NOT his throat !!! Well, little Tami has since educated herself , hence the "I'm ready".... Ok--well, off the soapbox now, it's getting slippery with too many bubbles ..thanks for your time...have a great weekend and you'll be hearing from me soon


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