


Posted by Jim Davis on Jun 10 2003 at 05:00PM PDT
I didn't fall out of bed and become an Olympic Champion. I worked hard, I was dedicated, and I really worked to perfect all aspects of my game." --Michele Smith "I don't need to be the No. 1 on the team. This is what I train for day in and day out. I am the support player. If I need to hit, pitch, run, whatever, I will do it. If everything was going to be about me, I think I'd quit." --Michele Smith "I don't pitch to bring glory to myself. I pitch because I love to see the reaction of my catcher when I throw the ball right where she asked for it or when my center fielder makes a diving catch. That's what I play for." --Michele Smith "People can relate to other people's triumphs over difficulty. I realized I can touch many people's lives playing softball. I want people to see I have a passion for what I do." --Michele Smith "We don't care who we play. As far as I am concerned, it's just another team and another pair of shoes and bat in the box." --Michele Smith Favorite Quote about Michele--"Consider this: in softball the pitching rubber is 40ft from the batter. Michele is 5 feet 10, with long arms and huge stride. When she releases the ball she's so close up it's like Theatre Vision. I've had waitresses who don't hand you the food from that close. And she's been timed at over 70 mph, which from that distance is equivalent of facing a 100mph heater. (Don't go up there thinking curve, boys and girls, think fastball.) It's terrifying. It's Nuke LaLoosh. Sometimes she'll throw a pitch, and I'll hear the batter sigh, 'Oh, geez!' I have seen hitters start backing away as soon as she goes into her motion."--Gillian Boxx, USA Olympic Catcher Who is Michele Smith? Click here!


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