

Pachuca Drops R1PL Match to Velez

Posted by Alan Olson on Apr 09 2010 at 05:00PM PDT

10 Apr. '10.  On a pleasant late afternoon at the MD SoccerPlex, Pachuca faced its long-time rivals from PA-E, LMSC Velez, in a pivotal match with both teams vying for playoff hopes later this month.  In the 1st half, just 2 minutes into the match, a ball bounced up from the ground in Pachuca's box and off of Stefone's hand with a resultant PK being called and a quick 1-0 lead for Velez.  Inter was held to 1 shot on goal just after kickoff which the GK caught, and 1 unsuccessful corner kick.  Inter committed 7 fouls (including the handball and 1 offsides) while Velez committed 6 fouls (including 1 YC #17).  Velez took 6 shots on goal, including a hard shot from 20-22 yds. left center but Seth came out large off his line and deflected the ball over the end line for an unsuccessful corner kick.  However, at the 39th min., an unmarked played on Inter's left corner collected a ball and pushed it deep towards the end line and fired a blast from a sharp angle which slid across the goal mouth and into the net far post, and the half ended several minutes late, 2-0, Velez.


In the 2nd half, the physical play intensified with Inter committing 6 fouls (including YC’s on Patrick and Nicholas for hard fouls from behind, 1 handball & 1 offsides) while Velez committed 7 fouls (including YC’s #3 and #13 for hard fouls from behind).  Inter managed several scoring opportunities, including 2 corner kicks but both were unsuccessful and 2 shots on goal, one of which the GK caught and the other was successful coming off of a foul on Dom in the box and a resultant PK by Patrick, which cut the score to 1-2, Velez.  But Velez’s strong defense held Inter off of the boards from the rest of the match.  On a counter-attack around the 31st min., Velez broke through the middle and slammed a hard shot on goal which deflected off the left post and back out to around 6 yds. in the box where a Velez player collected the ball for an easy finish, and the match ended several minutes later, 3-1, Velez.



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