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Eating for Energy

Posted by Roger Peterson on May 30 2009 at 05:00PM PDT
This article was taken from the House of Speed Newsletter- Question: We realize nutrition is vital to health and athletic performance. However convincing teenagers of that is difficult. How can we as parents best encourage out teens and their friends that eating right is cool? Answer: How can you encourage your teens that eating right is cool? My focus is always on performance. Do we want high-test or low-grade. Certain fuels are much more efficient for the body as a fuel source for exercise. Carbohydrate foods such as bread, rice, pasta, cereals, and potatoes provide the energy source for sprint and duration sports Sweets provide the quick fix, but don't last as long Fruits and veggies are dual-duty- provide energy and also fluid for the body Protein such as beef, pork. poultry, fish, eggs, soy, dairy, dried beans, and nuts and nut butters help with muscle mass, bone health, AND boost the immune system However, protein is NOT an efficient fuel source for exercise Fat containing foods such as salad dressing, oil, butter, margarine, nuts, nut butters, and mayonnaise are used as a fuel source for endurance activity Fluids help to boost the quality of workouts as well as performance But certain fluids work better, i.e. water, sports drinks during activities instead of juice, fruit drink, tea, or soda Timing is also critical; eating something within 15 minutes after exercise helps the body to recover more rapidly. Could be as simple as a handful of dry cereal, or a granola bar, or some pretzels The goal is not to eliminate foods, but to focus on foods and eating habits that enhance performance Smaller, more frequent meals Mix of carb, protein and fat at every eating episode Drinking throughout the day Bringing something to eat right after practices or games This is part of the playbook, for optimal performance Bodies are only as good as what we put into them, the training, rest, talent are essential, but the food is the secret edge to allow the body to excel.


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