

Track Workouts for July

Posted by Paula Hunter on Jul 01 2010 at 05:00PM PDT

Track & Trails: We are back at the ConVal track! Coach Mike Smith will be there 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month. Track begins around 6:00 and some runners get there early to warm up, jog the railroad trail, talk, enjoy the weather and so on. If you haven’t tried the track, come on over and see what it can do for you!

Here’s a recent note from Coach Mike:

The intent of the Wednesday Night Workouts is to provide the Monadnock Milers an opportunity to improve their running through a structured schedule of track workouts that will allow them to work on the mechanics of running. The word “speed” and the idea of track workouts scares many recreational runners. They think they need to be fast or be focused on shorter races to gain the benefit of designed workouts that take place on a measured track. Not so. Every athlete regardless of ability, looking to improve their times, at any distance, can benefit from timed running over a measured distance. So No Excuses, pick a workout, and get moving!

The workouts are broken into three target gains in speed. The first workout is intended to focus on improving endurance speed, or “long” speed. The second workout is looking at improving quick or “short” speed and follows a more traditional old school approach to improving speed. The third option is maintenance speed or “recovery” speed. This third option is designed to meet the needs of an athlete tapering for a race, someone brand new to the concept of fast running and the athlete that needs an easier day than the other options on the schedule.

Workouts for the rest of July follow:


300/200 workout – 300 meters @ goal 5K pace with 200 meters recovery 8x/10x

The 300/200 workout is a continuous run of 500 meters with 300 meters of @ pace work, followed by 200 meters of recovery running. We use this for building end of season race speed while developing “during the race” recovery. We start the season with a lesser number of repeats and build up to more as the season goes on. This is definitely a strength based workout that allows for up tempo running within the workout. The workout can be done a couple of ways. The athlete can focus on the @ pace sections if their fitness is not well developed or they can look at the @ pace component while improving their speed through the recovery phase of the workout. Another option is to manage the total time of the workout by running @ pace, managing the recovery and recording for comparison the total time.

2/4/8 pyramid -

				4 x 200 @ pace with 45 sec recovery
				2 x 400 @ pace with 1 min 30 sec recovery
				800 @ pace with 3 min recovery
				2 x 400 @ sub pace with 1 min 30 sec recovery
				4 x 200 @ sub pace with 45 sec recovery
				4 x 100 @ fast! With 45 sec recovery

300/100 workout -

			300 meters recovery pace+, then 300 meters quick, 100 meters recovery, 100 meters quick, the goal, pace change, form

We consider the 300/100 and 600/200 workouts, tune up workouts intended to get us up into a higher gear without getting to the point where we get lactic acid buildup or take anything “out of the tank.” We start the workout running either 300 or 600 meters smoothly, uptempo, but not fast. As we approach the end of this section we anticipate the pace change and prepare to take the pace to race pace or faster. At the end of the first section, we make an aggressive pace change and run the next 300 or 600 section quickly but efficiently. At the end of the second section, we go into float mode, where we “coast” through the next section. We DO NOT actively slow down! We run this third section with solid form, trying to run as quickly-as easily as we can. Approaching the end of the third section, we again prepare for the tempo change and with either 100 or 200 meters to go we bring the pace and effort level back up. This workout helps engage the lifter muscles used for speed and pace change, allows the athlete to get used to running faster pace without really putting the hurt on. It’s a great simulator workout, a way to get in some cautionary speed, and being continuous in nature, helps stave off injury. 300 meters smooth => 300 meters quick => 100 meters smooth => 100 meters quick


The Oregon -  alternating 200 meters at Quick and R (pre determined pace)

This workout is taken from a workout conceived at the University of Oregon during the reign of Bill Bowerman and Steve Prefontaine. It is also known as the 30/40 workout, but as most of us will never have the luxury of competing at the level of Pre, I’ve adapted it to be used by the rest of us. The 30/40 workout was a strength aerobic/anaerobic threshold workout. The idea is to have the athlete run half way around the track in 30 seconds, then recovering while running the second half in 40 seconds. This translates to a 4:40 mile, something most of us can’t accomplish anymore (or maybe never!) Pre was a sub four minute miler, and holds the Oregon record for number of 200 meters run with 18 (or 4 and ½ miles.) To utilize this workout, I’ve calculated pacing based on an athlete’s PR in the mile. The pacings are set up at half minute intervals, so if you’ve run in between times, for example a mile PR of 6:18, between 6 minutes and 6:30, round up to 6:30 and run the appropriate pace for that, i.e. 48 sec/65 sec.

Total time is not what’s important here, sticking to the pacing and doing as many 200 meter phases continuously as possible is the goal. The pacing structure is below:

Best Mile time: Q 200 R200 (mile time in minutes,  reps in seconds)

			4:00		30		40	
			4:30		34		45
			5:00		38		50
			5:30		42		55
			6:00		45		60
			6:30		48		65
			7:00		52		70
			7:30		56		75
			8:00		60		80
			8:30		64		85
			9:00		68		90

Mile down -

			1600 @ pace with 400 jog, right into
			1200 @ pace with 400 jog, right into
			800 @ sub pace with 400 jog, right into
			400 @ sub pace with 400 jog

CONT 200’s – 10 x 200’s continuously (10 laps) @ goal 5K pace with 200 meters recovery

This is one of our standard workouts for increasing both fitness and speed. The nature of the workout can be adjusted to meet the needs of the athlete at that specific time. The base workout is 200 meters of recovery running with 200 meters of quick work, for a total of ten laps. Early season the stress can be on running race pace (or close to it) for the quick laps with full recovery during the recovery phase. Later in the season the emphasis can change, still targeting goal pace for the quick work but reducing the recovery phase. This can be targeted by timing the entire workout, from the first “recovery” 200 until the final quick 200 and comparing to previous workouts.

Another way to adjust the workout is to run a set of CONT 200’s right at goal pace. Then take a ten minute easy run away from the track to “erase” the work you just did, and come back and run a second set of CONT 200’s. This time adjust the recovery to be less, or inch up the pace for the quick 200’s, or both. The strength of this workout comes halfway through the second set, when the form starts to “break down”. For real studs, another 10 minute erasing run with another set of CONT 200’s can go a long way towards “keeping your form” once fatigued.

			Warm up
	10 x 200m @ goal pace with 200m Recovery continuously	


500/300 workout 6x / 8x And 6 x PU 200’s – 20 pushups with 200 meters form running, quick with good form 500/300

The 500/300 workout is a continuous run of 800 meters with 500 meters of @ pace work, followed by 300 meters of recovery running. We use this for building end of season race speed while developing “during the race” recovery. We start the season with a lesser number of repeats and build up to more as the season goes on. This is definitely a strength based workout that allows for up tempo running within the workout. The workout can be done a couple of ways. The athlete can focus on the @ pace sections if their fitness is not well developed or they can look at the @ pace component while improving their speed through the recovery phase of the workout. Another option is to manage the total time of the workout by running @ pace, managing the recovery and recording for comparison the total time.

500/300 workout - 500 meters @ pace with 300 m recovery, continuous PU 200’s

This workout, PU 200’s is a finishing off workout. All quality speed work should be done prior to beginning pushup 200’s. The idea behind pushup 200’s is to focus on form by taxing the arm muscles to the point of exhaustion, then try to run “quick” with those arms. Again the focus is form, not speed. Learning to run with good form while fatigued obviously holds benefits in overall time, so why not practice it? In order for the workout to pay benefits, enough pushups and repeats must be done. A good average for push ups would be 20 or maximum, then a 200 meter repeat, paying special attention to solid form, especially at the end of the repeat. If a rest break is needed while doing the workout, it should come at the end of the run.

Repeat 800’s/200’s -

		6 x 800 @ pace with 2 min 30 sec recovery 
		4 x 200 @ pace with 45 sec recovery

600 down -

		600 meters @ goal pace – walk to start recovery
		500 meters @ goal pace – walk to start recovery
		400 meters @ goal pace – walk to start recovery
		300 meters @ goal pace – walk to start recovery
		200 meters @ goal pace – walk to start recovery
		100 meters @ goal pace 


Torture 1200’s – 800 meters @ pace, right into 400 meters quicker, walking rehydration (100 meters), 400 meter jog A – 5/6 B - 4/5

The torture 1200 is designed to mimic the workload of mile repeats without the repetitiveness and competitiveness that mile repeats induce. Everyone knows their mile PR and every time they run mile repeats that time lingers in their subconscious. While they might not intend to “go after it” is latently hidden there, asking for the pace to be picked up. Thankfully, no one keeps track of their 1200 meter PR, so running at the proper pace is a simpler task. The idea of the torture 1200 is to run 800 meters @ goal 5K pace, then at the completion of the second lap immediately increase the pace to run approximately 5 seconds faster per lap. After finishing the third lap, the athlete jogs over to their waiting water bottle, walks 100 meters or so, drops the bottle, jogs 400 meters back to the water bottle, jogs across the infield, and immediately gets into the next repeat.

The workout gets more difficult as the repeats add up, with the benefit of the workout coming after the second or third repeat. We usually look for an athlete to complete at least three, with the next opportunity, increasing the repeats by at least one or more. Well trained athletes could start with four to five, adding one more the next time the workout is run. This workout shouldn’t be done closer than four weeks apart.

Cutdowns -

			1000 @ pace with 2 min 30 sec recovery
			800 @ pace with 2 min recovery
			600 @ sub pace with 1 min 30 sec recovery
			2 x 400 @ sub pace with 1 min recovery
			4 x 200 fast!  with 1 min recovery

8/4/2 repeats -

			800 meters @ pace with 3 min recovery
			2x 400 meters @ pace with 1 min 30 sec recovery
			4x 200 meters @ sub pace with 60 sec recovery


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