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Winter Comes Early in Senatorville

Posted by N Frese on Aug 19 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

The season came to a disappointing end yesterday, as the Delco Astros eliminated the Washington Township Senators with an 8-7 win at WTHS. John DiPietro battled valiantly all morning, but the Senator defense let him down with a whopping SEVEN errors, leading to five unearned runs.

Jim McAllister had a great day both in the field and at the plate, and the Senator defense did turn three doubleplays, but it was not enough to overcome the plethora of misplays. The Nats still battled back -- with two out and no one on in the bottom of the ninth, trailing 8-4, the Senators rallied only to see the game end when McAllister was nipped at the plate on a bang-bang play to end the game and the season.

The loss was a bitter pill to swallow, and the taste of this defeat is sure to remain during the long winter. And hopefully it will remind us all that we need to improve and move forward into 2008, and regain what we all feel should have been ours here in 2007.


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