


Posted by N Frese on Feb 11 2002 at 04:00PM PST
My most important rule for this team is as follows: "thou shalt not abuseth thy own teammate for ANY reason." We are all in this together, guys, and I have tried to build a team of gentlemen who RESPECT each other, LIKE each other, and want to see each SUCCEED, period -- that's how you play winning baseball. Your teammate is your FRIEND, and there is never a reason for any ragging (other than in good fun -- that's encouraged!). If there is a problem with a particular player or situation, I will address it in PRIVATE at some point, and you need to trust me to do that. What I need YOU guys to do is to stay in a positive mind-frame at all times, and to offer encouragement to your teammates 100% of the time, because they will ALWAYS be giving a 100% effort (see EFFORT, above). If I believe that 100% effort is NOT there, you can be sure that situation will be addressed promptly. Trust me: the first time I see one of my players get in the face of another one of my players, it will be the LAST time. "if thou shalt haveth fun together, thy winning shall be all the more meaningful."


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