

Rick Amos Hangs 'em Up

Posted by N Frese on Mar 11 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
Due to a big commitment on the home front -- a major remodeling of his house -- Senator backstop Rick Amos has decided he will not be playing in 2007. There were other factors as well. "First, let me say that I enjoyed playing with the Senators last year", Amos said. "I had a great time and enjoyed getting to know all of you and win a championship in the process. However, I have decided not to play this year for several reasons. The main reason is that Lori and I are in the process of finishing up a major renovation /addition on our home. Needless to say it has been very stressful and we are looking forward to being able to relax and enjoy weekends around the house this summer." But Amos also knows that Senator #33 is apparently healthy, and ready to get behind the dish and take his usual share of playing time. "I know that Danny is going to be back this season and that he is the heart and soul of the team", Amos said. "I enjoyed filling in and contributing to the cause while he was injured, but I know we are both of the same mentality, catchers through and through, and Danny is that guy for the Senators." With many Senators approaching -- or already past -- the age of 47, the hope is that #44 will consider a return to the diamond as a starting catcher sometime not too far down the road. "Rick is a class act," GM Nick Frese said, "And I sure hope he keeps the jersey around the house. I'd like to see him out here with us sometime in the not-too-distant future."image


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