

DEA Levels with Table Leaders Ipswich

Posted by Chris Cloutier on May 24 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

In maybe their finest outing of the year, DEA took it to current table-leaders Ipswich all game today at Sportsman's Field.  Unfortunately, DEA had to settle for one-point as the results didn't do their effort justice.

After opening the season with a thrilling 3-2 victory against Hollis, DEA stumbled on the road as they went winless in their next four matches and dissention viraled through the ranks.  Winning is a good tonic for all ills, and last weeks 2-1 win (again against Hollis) restored the confidence DEA had been lacking.

DEA had only beat Ipswich once prior, so an all-out effort was needed to ensure DEA could take points in back-to-back games for the first time all year.  That was just the effort they provided as they thrilled their rambunctious crowd with their quality.

The huge DEA pitch allowed for free-flowing action all game.  The best early chance saw a Peter Cline back-heel drop right to Ryan Carvalho, just outside the area.  Ryan scorched a one-time drive, which forced the Ipswich keeper hard to his left to smother the low drive.

With 15-minutes left, DEA Keeper Chris Harrington pulled a "Bruce Vitt" and got caught between aggressively corralling a long clearance and waiting for the easy bounce.  Instead, it took a cruel hop and went right over his head.  Ugh...DEA had played too well to be down due to misfortune.

Not to be undaunted, they kept after it offensively.  Their efforts were rewarded when they were given a free-kick, 19 yards from goal.  Immediately, Elvis Zukovic went to the spot and surveyed the personnel.  He then placed a beautiful shot, bending around the wall and settling just inside the far post for the last touch of the half. 

Second half action saw me getting more and more involved in the cooler...and less involved in the on-field play, so you are going to have to realize the only play I really remember was Barry Fitzgerald crossing into the box were the Leaping Salmon, Carvalho, spawned nicely but headed just wide of the post.

As a special note, this game reporter would like to thank Ipswich's #8, Ged White (I believe it was him) for a class move.  As I carried my daughter on my shoulder, a long clearance was headed straight for us.  I had time to debate where to: settle with my chest, and drive it back into the action; take a step back and volley it back; or take the moment to teach my daughter how to head the ball clear.  Neither were particularly inviting at that particular moment.  Instead, Ged stepped in front for me and made the decision easier.  Ipswich does bring a level of classiness to the pitch that can only be matched by DEA.

So, while DEA deserved the full three points, they will be content with a mini two-game unbeaten streak and knowing, at least on this day, they were the better team against the table leaders.

DEA is also glad to know they finish out the rest of the season at home, where they have not lost yet on the season.


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