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Eye Opening Experience, please Read

Posted by Greg MacDonald on Jul 09 2018 at 06:36PM PDT

Good evening to everyone in the Barrie Slo-pitch Community. I have some very disturbing news to share. Something happened tonight at the Georgian College Diamonds that has left me sick to my stomach and very, very concerned about our society and all the young people that come to watch parents / guardians / aunts / uncles etc at our games. PLEASE. PLEASE Read and Be AWARE, it can happen to you too!

Names etc. are not being supplied so as not to create issues with the family, but this DID happen tonight:

At approximately 7:00pm tonight at the Georgian diamond a young man approached 2 children aged 5 and 4 touched them on the head and asked them their names and inquiring about personal things about them. One of the fathers DID (thank God) notice him and started up the path to see what was going on. At this point the young man bolted from the scene. YES NOTHING HAPPENED, but it could have, PLEASE be diligent regarding your children and always be aware of any possible threat to them. I just had my grand daughters over for supper and got this news a couple of hours later, I shutter at the thought of any harm coming to them or anyone else’s child. Let’s not let this affect our game and the camaraderie that surrounds our game, but just be diligent.

City police and College security have both been notified, hopefully video surveillance of the area will provide a lead.