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Langley Baseball Has Concerns Regarding the Age Cutoff for the 2018 Season

Posted by Langley Baseball Association on Aug 07 2017 at 04:37PM PDT

Langley Baseball is hoping you’ll join our fight to have Little League International change their decision regarding the upcoming age date cutoff. You can read more about the changes here: http://www.littleleague.org/media/llnewsarchive/2015/September-December/llb-age-determination-date.htm

In summary, any child born between May 1 and August 31, in 2005 or prior, will be forced to skip their upcoming age division and move on to the next, which has many negative implications as outlined below:

  • Players born in 2004 & 2005 will skip their 13yr old season and miss the opportunity to host the National tournament in Langley.
  • Players born in 2002 will be considered 16yrs old and miss one year of the Senior division.
  • Players born in 2001 will be considered 17 and not eligible to play in the Little League program.
  • Players will go from pitching/base path distances of 46/60 as 12yr olds, to 54/80 during regular season and 60/90 during post season. This is a dramatic jump in field size and is concerning for all player’s physical health and confidence.

It is our hopes that all parents/guardians of players who will be affected by these changes will write a letter to Little League stating their concerns, however, time is of the essence as the Little League AGM is on August 11th. Your letter must be sent before Thursday, August 10th.

To help you with this short deadline, Langley Baseball has prepared a form letter that you are welcome to use and edit with your personal information. The form letter is below and you can simply copy and paste the content into an email and edit as you see fit.

Please send your email to the following addresses:

Together, we might just have a chance at making a change!


Langley Baseball Association

Subject: Concerns Regarding Upcoming Age Cutoff for 2018 Season

I am a concerned parent of Langley Baseball and object to the upcoming age change for the 2018 baseball season. The following are my concerns:

- Players born in 2004 & 2005 will skip their 13yr old season and miss the opportunity to develop in the 50/70 program. This is a dramatic jump in field size and is concerning for all player’s physical health and confidence.

- Players born in 2002 will be considered 16yrs old and miss one year of the Senior division.

- Players born in 2001 will be considered 17 and not eligible to play in the Little League program.

- Players born in 2004 & 2005 will miss the opportunity to host the National tournament in Langley.

It is my hope that Little League reconsiders their decision and all players with a birthdate of 2005 and earlier will be grandfathered with an April 30th age cutoff until they age out of Little League.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.



Player’s birth date:


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