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starting dates

Posted by Lisa Thomas on Apr 15 2014 at 03:52PM PDT in 2016 Fall season

Here are the starting dates for our Divisions
7U- (T-Ball/Rally Cap) Monday/Wednesdays begins April 23 5.45-7.15
9U- (Tadpole/Grand Slam) Tuesday/Thursday begins April 22/24 5.45-7.15
11U- (Mosquito) Evaluations Week of April 14…
13U- Players will be contacted by coach for starting day
15U- Players will be contacted by coach for starting day
18U – Players will be contacted by coach for starting day

You will be contacted before the beginning of your divisions sessions as to which
field etc. If you have any questions please contact your Division Director.

7U (Rally) Tasha Prasad (250)-300-1012

9U (Grand Slam) Tasha Prasad (250) 300-1012

11U (Mosquito) Patrick Wielders(250)-769-2076

13U (Peewee) Donna Moberg (250) 215-2046

15U (Bantam) Frank Hobbs (250)-718.8463

18U (Midget) Norm Hanson (250)-769-0513