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New FHBC Registration LIVE

Posted by Vancouver Island Field Hockey Association (Men) on Aug 16 2022 at 06:42PM PDT in Season 2021-22

Field Hockey BC has officially launched their new Membership Registration System Partnership with Field Hockey Canada for 2022-23. This is important for all members:

- Every field hockey player, coach and official is required to register as an individual member ahead of active participation in any given season. The calendar season is September 1st to August 31st inclusive. ​
- Each member is required to pay a membership fee to BOTH Field Hockey BC (FHBC) and Field Hockey Canada (FHC) unless otherwise stated
- The online membership registration system will provide the opportunity for the payment of both FHBC and FHC fees within a single transaction. These fees will not need to be considered as part of your annual club fee structure.
- All individual memberships will involve an online registration process, the system for which is accessible from the FHBC website.
- Members only need to formally register as a member in ONE category.
- Some members may be players, coaches and/or officials and under these circumstances, members are required to register in the category with the HIGHEST fee (see the table here for reference).
- The option to register will be open throughout the year with the membership year again running September 1 – August 31. – Memberships purchased at any point in the season will always and only be valid until August 31 of that same season.

To access the online Membership Registration System, an existing or new member is directed to the FHBC Website and specifically to the 2022-23 Membership Page at the following link: https://fieldhockeybc.com/registration-system-step-by-step-guide-how-to-register-for-a-2022-23-membership/

The 2022-23 Membership Page provides detail as to the Step-by-Step Guide on “How To” Register for a 2022-23 Membership, as well as other membership related details. This page will be updated as necessary in the lead into the official opening of the registration system on August 16, 2022. A notice confirming that 2022-23 membership registration is open will be circulated and posted on the FHBC website homepage on August 16, 2022.

FHBC again appreciates that any change to a Membership Registration process has the ability to impact the time taken by the BC Membership to navigate such change. FHBC remains extremely appreciative of the BC memberships patience as we move through this collective change together. Please do keep the membership registration questions coming. These can be directed to the following e-mail address at info@fieldhockeybc.com. The Society staff remain committed to providing as much clarity as possible in the lead into and throughout the 2022-23 season.


Register now:


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