


Posted by Stephen Dix on Jun 18 2009 at 05:00PM PDT

Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions:

  • When and where are registrations?
    • Registrations are typically held on Saturdays 10am-2pm in January and August at Sunnymead Park. Although you should check in with the registration page to get exact dates and times. 
  • What days does the team practice and play?
    • Practice and game schedules are not set until after all teams are assigned.  Typical 7-16 year old teams practice for two days and play on Saturdays plus another week day.  Managers can and do assign extra practices as needed.  Post season play such as All-Stars and Tournament teams may practice every day.
    • Younger T-ball teams (4-6)  might only practice once per week and play twice.  Again, practice schedules are set by the Manager after the team is assigned.
    • If you have scheduling conflicts with the practice and game schedules, you may ask the MVLL board if there are any options.  We are not usually able to help much here, but we will look into it for you.  
    • It is important to realize that participating on a baseball or softball team requires commitment and a bit of sacrifice. Not everyone's schedule will allow for this and ultimately, the sport may not be for everyone. Please work with your fellow team parents to coordinate ride schedules and other ways you can help eachother out.  
  • How long is the season; what are the important dates? 
    • Check the Calendar on the front page for specific dates. Here is an overview of the year:
      • January - Spring season registrations 
      • February - tryouts and draft (9yrs and up) 
      • March - games begin 
      • June - regular season ends and tournaments begin 
      • August - Fall season registrations
      • September - Fall Season Begins
      • November - Fall Season Ends
  • What is included in the registration fee?
    • Your registration fees include a uniform shirt and hat..
    • You will provide all other equipment including pants, socks, belt, shoes, glove, bat, etc. 
    • Your registration fees include a basic picture packet during Spring Season only. 
  • Do you have girls' softball?
    • YES!  MVLL Curently offers softball for girls ages 7-16.
    • MVLL girls ages 4-6 currently play boys and girls baseball.
  • Do you have Big League Baseball (17-18 year olds).
    • We do not currently have Big League Baseball, however we have successfully recruited Big Leaguers to volunteer as coaches and umpires.
    • See the info on Volunteering.
  • How much does it cost?
    • We work very hard to keep costs down.  Our expenses far exceed income from League fees each year.  While many leagues charge more than $150 per season, MVLL has been able to keep fees around the $100 mark due to the hard work, dedication and generosity of  League volunteers and community sponsors.  Spring and Fall seasons have different prices and prices are updated every season.  
    • Please consult the registration page for the most up-to-date fee schedule. 
    • Spring Season only -
      • Each player is required to participate in the fundraiser.  There is a buyout option  available to those who do not wish to participate (usually $50 or less).
      • Each team must secure sponsorship/League Fee of at least $300.  Teams that do not obtain a sponsor must raise the sponsorship fee.  This is about $25 per player. 
  • What is the structure of Moreno Valley Little League baseball? 
    • Moreno Valley Little League Baseball offers six levels of play: T-Ball, Minors, Majors, Intermediate, Juniors, and Seniors. Depending upon the level, the playing fields are slightly different in terms of length of base paths, distance from pitching mound, and distance to the outfield fences from home plate. 
    • Moreno Valley Little League has established age cutoffs to ensure players develop appropriately in terms of skills, knowledge, and sportsmanship. Moreno Valley Little League has established age brackets that players need to participate in, however, there are situations where some players may play down due to safety risks upon approval of the Player Agent.  
    • Moreno Valley Little League is managed by an elected Board of Directors which administers the league in line with established bylaws. The league is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. 
  • What is "League Age"?
    • Every Little League organization in the world, including MVLL, uses the exact same criteria for establishing age eligibility for its divisions. 
    • A player's League Age is the players age on January 1st of the current season.  Fall season eligibility is calculated based on the upcoming Spring Season.
  • Where are Moreno Valley Little League games played? 
    • Moreno Valley Little League utilizes the baseball complex at the corner of Perris and Fir and the fields at March Air Reserve Base. 
    • Further, older teams will travel short distances to play teams from other leagues.
  • What days and times are the games played? 
    • All teams in Moreno Valley Little League are scheduled for at least one game a week, and in some divisions teams are scheduled for games twice a week. 
    • Game days are typically Monday through Saturday. Saturday games will generally start at 8am and continue throughout the day. 
    • Weekday games generally will begin at 5:30pm and 7:30pm. 
    • Games may begin earlier prior to Day Light Savings time. It is Moreno Valley Little League's desire to have games be completed by 9:30 pm on weekdays. 
  • Who umpires Moreno Valley Little League games?
    • Moreno Valley Little League uses a combination of parent volunteers and a small group of paid umpires. 
    • In the lower divisions , the volunteers are parents of MVLL players in those divisions.
    • In the upper divisions the volunteers are both parents, certified umpires, and trained students. 
    • All umpires are required to attend training clinics. 
    •  In the T-Ball and Farm divisions, coaches manage the flow of the game.
  • What equipment will my child need before the first practice or game?
  • Players should arrive at their first practice with a glove, hat, baseball pants, and rubber molded cleats. ALL MALE PLAYERS MUST WEAR A PROTECTIVE CUP. A baseball bag is recommended to transport bats, batting gloves, water bottles, hats, and other items.
  • Are there any uniform supplies my child needs?
    • A uniform consists of a pair of baseball pants, belt, a baseball jersey, a hat, and a pair of all-in-one baseball socks. Moreno Valley Little League will provide each player a team jersey and a team hat. Players need to provide the baseball pants, belt, and socks. The jersey and hat are the player's to keep. The jerseys don't provide much warmth, so it is a good idea to purchase a long-sleeve baseball shirt to match the color of your child's team. Your manager will provide more specifics as for the color. Rubber cleats are highly recommended, and steel spikes are not allowed. A quality leather glove is a must and it is recommended to stay away from vinyl and simulated leather gloves that may be cheaper, but tend to cause the player a great deal of frustration. It is impossible to form a pocket in gloves made of vinyl or simulated leather. Therefore, the ball tends to pop out when the player attempts to catch it. 
    • All players should bring a windbreaker, jacket, or sweatshirt to every game and practice, especially early in the season.
  • Exactly where does the Little League patch go?
    • Little League Rule 1.11 (a) (2): The official Little League shoulder patch
      must be affixed to the upper left sleeve of the uniform blouse. Patches
      are worn 1" below the seam on a set-in sleeve.
  • When will I find out what team my child will play on?
  • All teams should be formed by February. Your child's manager will notify you of the team's first meeting. If you don't hear from a team manager by late February, please contact the league.
  • Can my child be placed on a team with one of their friends?
  • Moreno Valley Little League tries to take requests into account when forming T-ball and Farm teams. Minor, Major, Intermediate, Junior and Senior requests are not honored due to the player selection process of the draft. The upper division teams are created using a balanced draft process that helps to promote even and competitive leagues. You are welcomed to note a request on a player application, but the Manager is under no obligation to honor any requests other than sibling options.
  • If my child is unhappy with the team they are placed on, can they switch teams?
    • Only in extreme cases does the league allow children to switch teams after the teams have been formed. Such requests must be made in writing to Moreno Valley Little League for consideration by the Player Agent. Approval requires extenuating circumstances, so any request is highly unlikely to be approved, and in most cases we will ask the player remains with their team. Team balance is established early on, and changes of this type are difficult if not impossible to implement without upsetting the balance that has been established.
  • If my child decides to quit, is it possible to get a refund?
  • A refund is available upon request prior to the close of registration. 
  • A refund of 50% is available if a request is received prior to Opening Day. After Opening Day, NO REFUNDS are allowed.
  • Can I keep my child down in a lower division or bring him/her up a division a year early?
  • Moreno Valley Little League strongly supports age appropriate competition and development. Moreno Valley Little League does not allow players to move up a division early or to play down a division to develop additional skills without approval from the Player Agent. The only time an adjustment may be made is when there is a safety risk to a player playing in their age appropriate division. At that time, a parent request needs to be made to the League. A decision will be made whether to allow the player to play down.
  • What are draft "options"?
  • Options are picks that each manager has available prior to the Major draft. The options pertain to the manager's own child and/or their coach's child. Managers must request an option, and options are granted upon approval from the Player Agent. Refer to the Moreno Valley Little League draft rules document and Ground Rules, and Little League International Operations Manual.
  • Are there any rules around minimum playing time?
  • Rules will vary per division regarding playing time. There are minimums for innings played in all divisions. Refer to the local rules posted on the Moreno Valley Little League web site.
  • How many managers/coaches can be on a team?
  • Every team has a manager approved by the Board of Directors. Each team's manager can have as many assistants as they can find for practices, but only two assistant coaches are allowed in the dugout during games. Any manager, coach, team mom, umpire and any other volunteer that comes into contact with players MUST submit a National Little League volunteer application to the league.
  • Are there conduct rules that apply during games?
    • Absolutely. Moreno Valley Little League does not tolerate foul language or taunting at any level by the players, parents, managers, or coaches. Any spectator, player, manager or coach that is warned is subject to being ejected from the premises and banned from the field and park for additional games.
  • What is the playoff structure?
    • Moreno Valley Little League teams play an entire regular season with the final standings establishing the seeding for a post-season tournament. This approach allows all of the teams to work on developing the skills of each and every player on the team. The end product is a playoff tournament where every game is a good contest, and the lower seeded teams often rise up. This is by far the best approach to overall player development.
  • Who is responsible for staffing the Snack Bar at the games?
    • Upon registering a player for participation in MVLL, the player's parent(s) agree to serve a shift in the snack bar when asked by the Team Parent. Each team must staff their shift as scheduled by the Concessions manager. 
    • Each team typically has 2-3 shifts to fulfill at some point during the season. The MVLL's Concessions Committee is responsible for stocking, opening, and setting up the concessions stand prior to the first game each day. Please do your part in support of operating the concessions stand.
  • Who do I contact if I have a problem that needs to be resolved by the league?
    • If at any time you have a problem or just want information, you can e-mail the league at any time. However, please first discuss any concerns with your child's manager, Contact information is on the Moreno Valley Little League web site under the "MVLL Board" link. You are also welcome to attend a Board meeting and express your concerns directly to the Board with prior approval from the President. The Moreno Valley Little League Board meets every month during the season. 
  • What are your boundaries?
    • We serve the Moreno Valley community south of the 60 fwy.
    • East Perris players are eligible to play with MVLL
    • Check out the boundary map
  • I am interested in volunteering.  What do I need to know?
    • MVLL needs caring and dedicated people to be umpires, managers, assistant coaches, team moms, and snack bar workers. 
    • You don't have to be a parent to volunteer.
    • Every parent who can help should let the team Manager know. 
    • See the info on Volunteering.
  • How can I stay connected, get updates and more information?
    • Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to see League updates in your stream.
    • Check in with the website  occaisionally as we update it regularly.
    • Email us at
    • Call the hotline 57-CATCH to listen to league updates.
    • Text the hotline 951 572-2824 to get quick answers (rain outs, registration dates, and other time sensitive info)
    • Come to a game!  Schedules are available on the website.  Ask any parent to point out a board member.  We will be happy to answer all your questions! 


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