

Welcome to the 2005-06 Season

Posted by Eric Cyker on Sep 07 2005 at 05:00PM PDT
Fellow Hockey Players,

We hope you have enjoyed the summer. The IAHA Board has met many times since the end of last season to review your responses to our survey. We made some tough decisions and there will be a few significant changes. The season begins the week of October 9th. The fees this year are $355 (goaltenders $177.50) for 26 regular season games plus playoffs.

As we have already announced, many of the stronger players in the B/C division will be required to move to the A/B division. There has always been an overlap in skill levels between the two divisions, with intermediate level players being able to successfully play in either division. However, based upon your feedback and our own observations, we concluded that the difference in skill levels between the weakest and strongest players in the B/C division has grown too great. We strive to offer a fun, competitive hockey experience for a very broad spectrum of player abilities, and we hope that you agree that this decision is in the best interests of each of the divisions and the association.

With the movement of about 30 players from B/C to A/B, it will not be possible to build two new teams and expect them to be competitive against teams that have been together for several years. To best accommodate these new players, and to provide for the most competitive environment possible we will be forming the A/B division teams "from scratch." Each team will be selected "draft style" by team captains. We understand that part of the fun of hockey is playing with friends, but we don't think the division can survive without this change.

One of our goals continues to be to select teams that are competitively balanced. While it would be ideal for all teams to have .500 records, we strive to have most games be competitive and enjoyable for all players.

Registration forms may be downloaded below and must be postmarked no later than Saturday, September 24th. Be sure to return both the Registration form and the USA Hockey Waiver. Additional copies of the forms are available at Cass, Lynah, and The Rink. Pairs of two (2) players wishing to play together can indicate this on their registration form. If these requests are mutual, you can expect to be placed on the same team.

A/B Division
As mentioned above, the teams will be selected at a captains' draft meeting. Captains may pre-select a goaltender for their team. Players registering in pairs will be drafted as a pair. We need to identify A/B division captain quickly. If you are interested/willing to be a captain, please let us know before September 16th.

B/C Division
As we did last year, the team captains have an opportunity to "protect" a few players. We will allow team captains to provide a list of players to make up the core of a team. Here are the rules:
Captains must gather all registration materials and payments from each player on the list he/she submits. If there is not a signed application and full payment before the deadline, the name will be scratched from the list. Up to four (4) skaters, plus a goaltender, may be listed. The captain must be one of the players listed. No more than two (2) "IMPACT" players may be included. If you want to know if the board considers someone an impact player, email the full board ( prior to submitting your list. After review, the board will provide your official response via email. Captains, please inform us if you do not wish to be a captain this season. Anyone else interested in becoming a captain, please let us know.

Disciplinary Policy
The IAHA Disciplinary Policy has been revised and is being distributed with registration materials as well as being posted on the Web Site. We continue to discourage fighting and other inappropriate behavior in our adult league. If you are involved in a fight, you should expect to sit a minimum of three games (one game USA Hockey mandatory suspension plus two game IAHA suspension). The message is DON'T FIGHT!! Defending yourself does not require swinging back. Cover up and skate away. Other changes involve clarifications of the "Abuse of Official" and "3rd Man In" penalties.

Team/League Sponsorships
Each season we look for local businesses to sponsor teams. The fee for sponsorship is $250 minimum and is used to defray costs. Any amount paid above the minimum is very much appreciated and will be used to reduce player fees the following season. Most businesses can treat this cost as an advertising expense. Team sponsorships are awarded on a first-come first-served basis. As payment is received by the association, the sponsorship is assigned. The best way to guarantee renewal or award of a sponsorship is for the business to pay the fee. Please help us to secure sponsors by contacting anyone you know who would be in a position to help. For their support, the business name and logo will appear on the team jerseys, and the name will appear in all posting of the league
standings and results. We will also include sponsors' logos and Web links on our Web Site, if provided.


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