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Concessions at PIs

Posted by Arizona Cheetahs on Mar 08 2017 at 04:00PM PST
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to bring items for concessions.  As I stated we are known for our concessions so I have a couple things...

Anything that is not cooked can be bought to practice now.... hotdogs, hamburgers, links, etc. so we know how much we have and what needs to be purchased.

If you are brining buns of course please wait until the week before the meet, starting March 27th.

If you put can of baked beans or string beans from Costco, please bring now so that they can be cooked and made to be homemade.

We would like most items at practice by Thursday, March 30th so we know what to go purchase. This of course does not include cooked dishes.  You will bring that to the track meet the day of.  That is all for now....

Again, thank you all so very much.  It will take us all to make this successful.  Love our Cheetah Family!!!



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