


Posted by Alan Hood on Jul 24 2011 at 05:00PM PDT
Litchfield U11 started the week playing in the Youngsville tournament. Facing a good Dover team that we had great games against in Districts. The team was a little tired and I would say unfocused. We played a very poor game in the field, not helping our pitchers much at all. The team combined for 12 errors and ended up losing 9-14. After a good team meeting following the game and another good team meeting prior to our next game, the kids responded well and came out the next night and beat Milford 12-0 in four innings. This would be the same team we would face in the state tournament.

Following that win, we were scheduled to play Londonderry in the winners bracket, but due to scheduling conflicts with the state tournament, we had to forfeit the game. This ensured our players were rested and ready to play this weekend.

The Litchfield U11 All Stars started their state tournament this past weekend. The first round game Saturday was against the West Area number 3 seed Milford. The Boys came out ready to play, no errors in the first 3 innings followed by good at bats. We led 2-0, 3-0, 6-0, 6-2, 9-2 going into the last inning with a 7 run lead, we felt pretty comfortable. But remembering that we are playing in the state tournament and every team is good almost got the best of us. After 3 errors in the last inning, they crept close 9-6 but we were able to put them away in the end. Our first state game and a win, great job, what a way to start out the tournament. This set up our next game against the West Area Champions Keene.

On Sunday, we faced Keene, with arguably the two best pitchers we have faced all year (very very good speed and curve balls to boot), the entire team came ready and focused. I was amazed at how well we hit the ball. No one was intimidated and everyone had great at bats. We jumped out to a 1-0 lead in the first. We then followed in the second with three more runs to take a 4-1 lead. The next inning we batted around the line up and put another 5 runs on the board to take a 9-1 lead. Our pitchers and defense played tremendously, keeping a well hitting team off balance and not providing any opportunities to score. The final was 10-1 and Litchfield qualified for the Regional Tournament!!!

We still have a couple more games to go in states and hope to win the championship, but regardless of the outcome, we should all be proud of how well these kids played, and how well they are representing Litchfield.

Thanks Dan


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