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Coaches Code of Conduct

Posted by Jeffrey Pace on Apr 01 2005 at 04:00PM PST

It is the goal of Litchfield Baseball Association to provide a positive and instructive environment for all participants. Coaches are an essential part of assuring that the children and their families enjoy their experience with our league. As a coach, the responsibility rests with you to teach sound baseball technique and sportsmanship as well as serve as a role model for all involved. The children and their parents alike will be watching you and the way that you respond to all situations. It is essential that your conduct represent the league and yourself in the best possible way.

As a COACH of the Litchfield Baseball Association, I agree to the following Code of Conduct:

  1. I will treat all children with respect, being positive and constructive at all times to all players and umpires. I will not use abusive language or actions and will control my anger at all times. I will insist that parents and members of my team follow my example.

  2. I will continuously improve my baseball coaching skill by attending League-sponsored coaching clinics to the best of my ability (outside clinics are encouraged as well).

  3. I will have registration/medical release forms and a first aid kit on hand whenever my team is together.

  4. I will treat all umpires with respect, recognizing that they are volunteers like me, and that baseball rules involve judgment. If I have complaints, I will use the appropriate methods of appeal during the game avoiding confrontational behavior on the field. After the game I may go through the proper channels for resolution.

  5. I will monitor the behavior of my team's parents in the stands and will take action as necessary to assure proper conduct.

  6. I will promote sportsmanlike conduct, shaking hands with the opposing coach after each game, encouraging my team member to cheer positively and shake hands with the other team in a sportsmanlike manner after the game as well. I will not tolerate negative cheering, trash-talking or displays of anger or disrespect by my team.

  7. I will conduct regular practices that will be used to teach sound baseball fundamentals while being fun for all involved. Unless parents approve of their child leaving practice on their own, I will be sure that an adult is present until every player has been picked up after practice.

  8. I will not seek to manipulate drafts, tryouts or league rules to achieve an unfair advantage for my team.


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