

What is Twitter and Why Should I Care About It?

Posted by JC Hoops on Oct 14 2014 at 05:00PM PDT

If you do not follow Johnson City Hoops on Twitter, I urge you to do so. PLEASE KEEP READING.

Twitter is where we will send all of our urgent and last minute information to keep you up to speed.

Below are directions to receive "tweets" from Johnson City Hoops using your cell phone text messages (which we think is the easiest way to receive tweets)!

Twitter is VERY simple to sign-up for (less than a minute) and it requires nothing more than for you to receive and read text messages on your phone.

You can stop receiving messages at any time.

Very simply, how twitter works is you "follow" Johnson City Hoops and then any message we put out on twitter (called a tweet) will come to your cell phone. It's that simple and it allows us to mass broadcast to anyone who cares to receive our messages.

Why are our messages important to you? We will put out game and practice changes or cancellations via twitter; we will broadcast basketball playing opportunities and skills sessions; and we will use twitter to direct you to our website when the message is too long to "tweet." This will be for all program levels.

Here is how to signup for and follow us on twitter using your cell phone (please note if you pay for text messages, you will get charged when we send a tweet - we don't send a ton, but be aware. If you have unlimited texts, you will not be charged):

1.  Send a text message with the word START to 40404 (put in 40404 just like it was a person's name - 40404 connects you to Twitter).

2. Twitter will send you a reply and ask you to reply back with your full name to sign up.

3. Twitter will then send a message back to you and assign you a username based on your full name. 

4.  You're account is all setup. Now send one more text that says "follow @jcwildcathoops" - exactly as it appears in the quotes.

5.  You're done and will receive our tweets as a text message everytime we send one. If you have other family members or spouses you want to be updated with information, they can follow the above instructions as well.

6.  If you ever want to stop receiving our tweets - send a text to 40404 that says "off @jcwildcathoops" to stop just our messages, or "off" to stop all twitter messages.


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