

Tips for Tryouts

Posted by Shelly Miyasato on Dec 31 2012 at 04:00PM PST

1) Start throwing the ball NOW and swing the bat every day!

2) Know your age group try-out time and get there early (enough to park, sign in, and warm up)

3) Show up “ready to play”…baseball or loose fit clothing, cleats, hat, and glove (true players always have their own ball in their glove)

4) Bring a Little League bat and helmet if you want to use your own

5) Go to the Snack Shack to sign in and get your number

6) Head straight to the tryout dugout and show the dugout manager that you’ve arrived (wait till your age group is called to enter the dugout)

7) Take time to warm up…grab a friend and play catch (select a safe place/direction to throw)

8) No walking on the baseball field, only hustling…on the field, off the field, for the ball, on the bases…

9) Listen carefully to what you’re being asked to do and do it to the best of your ability

10) Remember, no one bats 1000 or has zero errors so play hard, show your love of the game, and have fun!


“Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical.” ~Yogi Berra


Do you have other tips to share? Send them to webmaster Shelly: 


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