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Santee ASA Bylaws Revision

Posted by Beth Atuatasi on Dec 12 2013 at 04:00PM PST

To the General Membership, thank you for your participation in the latest Bylaw change request emailed out last month.  The Bylaw change passed with majority vote.  The Bylaw change is referenced below.

Thank you again to all that participated and we all look forward to a Fun and Successful 2014 Softball Season.

The Bylaw change in reference is:

Article II.    Definitions

(f)  Members eligible for the Executive Board: 


(f)  Members eligible for the Executive Board:  members having served a minimum of one (1) year in an appointed or elected board position, having a relative playing in the  leagues rec season  for a minimum of two (2) years and in the year for which they are wanting to serve, or any other qualified candidate – who is in good standing with the league – nominated by majority vote by the existing board members.


(f) Members eligible for the Executive Board:  members having served a minimum of one (1) year in an appointed or elected board position, or any other qualified candidate - who is in good standing with the league - nominated by majority vote by the existing board members.


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