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Try Outs - What to Expect

Posted by Tanya Sullivan on Jan 22 2006 at 04:00PM PST

A player’s age for the coming season is determined by his/her age as of April 30th.  

6 & 7 Year old do not tryout for Little League. 

8 Year Old Tryouts:

Accelerated 8 year old players who feel they are ready to play at the 8-10 year old AA level may come to tryouts.  Based on their performance, AA Managers have the option of drafting a fixed number of 8 year old players to their team.  8 year olds that are not drafted to a 8-10 year old AA team or 8 year olds that do not attend tryouts will be assigned to an 6-8 year old A Div. team by the Player Agent.  The 6-8 year old teams play “coach pitch” ball.  8 year olds that do not try out are still eligible to be drafted as mid-season replacement players to the AA level if they meet the requirements set forth in the PALL By Laws.

9 and 10 Year Old Tryouts:

Tryouts are mandatory for all 9 and10 year olds.  Any player not attending tryouts will not be eligible to be drafted, unless a valid excuse is accepted by a majority of the Board of Directors.  9 and 10 year olds who do not tryout will be assigned to a Minor 8-10 year old ‘AA’ team by the Player Agent.  Please contact our Player Agent if you have a special case 9 year old that has not played before and would be better suited for Minor 6-9 year old (coach pitch). 9 year olds are eligible to be drafted to either a Minor 8-10 AA team or a Minor 9-11 AAA team. 10 year olds are eligible to be drafted to either a Minor 8-10 AA team, a Minor 9-11 AAA  Team, or a Major League team.  9 and 10 year olds that do not try out are still eligible to be called up as mid-season replacement players to a higher  level team if they meet the requirements set forth in the PALL By Laws.

11 and 12 year old Tryouts:

Tryouts are mandatory for all 11 and 12 year olds who are not returning to a Major League team.  Players returning to Major League teams will be contacted by their Manager or Coach after the Major League Draft.  All 12 year olds must play in the Major divisionAny 11 year old player NOT attending tryouts will not be drafted in the Majors.  11 year olds not eligible for the Major Div.  Draft will be assigned to a Minor 9-11 ‘AAA’ team after the draft.  If your player cannot attend tryouts, call the Player Agent or President to see if alternative arrangements are possible.  Due to the tight timeframe between tryouts and the draft, accommodations are usually NOT possible.

13 and 14 year old tryouts:

Tryouts are mandatory for all 13 and 14 year olds. The Junior League is re-drafted each year.  Players not attending try outs will be assigned to teams following the draft if space is available. PALL Junior League teams will play a schedule with teams from the other two Petaluma Little Leagues and possibly other D35 Leagues.  Out of town travel may be involved. 

15 and 16 year old tryouts:

Tryouts are mandatory for all 15 and 16 year olds. The Senior League is re-drafted each year. Players not attending try outs will be assigned to teams following the draft if space is available.  Senior League teams are combined with players from the other two Petaluma Little Leagues and will play a schedule with teams from other District 35 Leagues.  Out of town travel will be involved. 



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