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Posted by Matt Goodell on Apr 09 2010 at 05:00PM PDT

 April 10, Giants (5-0) vs Diamondbacks (1-4)  

Every team is dangerous no matter the record ... and the D-Backs are a prime example.  As a matter of fact, this squad hit the ball harder, down the lines, inbetween outfielders, and found holes in the infield with timely hit drives more than any other AA team we have faced.  Their coaches brought a prepared and determined group of kids today taking this one all the way to the very last inning ...

With the DBacks getting a quick three runs on the board, P Aidan realized the best way to get these guys out was going to be by doing it on his own ... so he delivered strike after strike .... after strike after strike, getting 3 K's over the next five batters to minimize the damage.  He continued his strategy into the 2nd inning as he only faced three batters and struck them out with only 14 pitches.  P Mitchell followed suit by getting 4 K's over his two innings ... as a matter of fact, these two pitchers faced a total of 22 batters and only THREE  times did the opposing coach come out to complete an at bat.  That my friends is called "being dialed in".

With these two pitching gems and in sync with homeplate it was a slow day for the defense.  There were only three opportunities, which two were perfectly executed in the 4th.  On a slow roller SS Colin scooped up the ball and made the quick strong throw to 1B Aidan ... only problem was, he thought Aidan was 6'7" ... however, good news was we found out that he can actually jump and stretch to 6'7"!!! ........ as he came back to earth and landed on the bag a step ahead of the runner.  And 2B Ryan showed off his skills by making a great diving catch for the final out.

Offensively the Giants were unphased by the 3 spot the Dbacks put up at the top of the first ... as they grouped in front of the dugout and yelled out "BANG!! ", Colin, Nick and Tyler immediately loaded the bases on 6 pitches.  Mitchell, Caden and Ben put the ball in play each chalking up an RBI to tie the score 3-3 after one.  Ryan, Dylan and Anthony hit base hits but couldn't get the following support to knock them in as the DBacks made defensive plays.  So with the score 3-7 it was time to go to work .... and we asked the boys for a 5-run inning and left it up to them to get it done.  And get it done they did, as every batter this inning were for extra bases .... Nick lead the hit parade with a blasted double ... then Tyler found his way over to 3rd ... Mitchell crushed a double ... then Caden ... then Ben ... and with 4 RBIs already in Aidan stepped up and destroyed the ball to the outfield for the final double and game winning run.

I had two favorite plays of the day ... one when Ryan hustled from 1st base and made a picture perfect slide into 2nd just  beating the forced throw .... and the other favorite was "THE LEAP" from this weeks game ball winner .......   

In order to win the game ball you must do multiple plays and create moments that make you stand out.  Well, I think getting 6 Ks while pitching ... getting the 5th game winning RBI run off a blasted double ... and making a STAND OUT defensive play at first base jumping for the saving out qualifies as creating amazing moments.  Yeah, no brainer here .... AIDAN was lights out and the one going home with the game ball ... great job!!! 




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